Fragos Vassilios
Cited by
Cited by
Airflow patterns around obstacles with arched and pitched roofs: Wind tunnel measurements and direct simulation
GK Ntinas, G Zhang, VP Fragos, DD Bochtis, C Nikita-Martzopoulou
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 43, 216-229, 2014
Thermal analysis of a hybrid solar energy saving system inside a greenhouse
GK Ntinas, VP Fragos, C Nikita-Martzopoulou
Energy Conversion and Management 81, 428-439, 2014
Computer‐aided analysis of flow past a surface‐mounted obstacle
VP Fragos, SP Psychoudaki, NA Malamataris
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 25 (5), 495-512, 1997
Performance evaluation of a hybrid solar heating system for farrowing houses
S Tamvakidis, VK Firfiris, A Martzopoulou, VP Fragos, TA Kotsopoulos
Energy and Buildings 97, 162-174, 2015
Energy and environmental analysis of an innovative greenhouse structure towards frost prevention and heating needs conservation
VK Firfiris, VP Fragos, TA Kotsopoulos, C Nikita-Martzopoulou
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 40, 100750, 2020
Direct simulation of two‐dimensional turbulent flow over a surface‐mounted obstacle
VP Fragos, SP Psychoudaki, NA Malamataris
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 55 (10), 985-1018, 2007
Energy Gain in Passive Solar Greenhouses Due to CO2 Enrichment
A Martzopoulou, D Vafiadis, VP Fragos
Energies 13 (5), 1242, 2020
The effect of ammonia toxicity on methane production of a full-scale biogas plant—An estimation method
SD Kalamaras, G Vitoulis, ML Christou, T Sfetsas, S Tziakas, V Fragos, ...
Energies 14 (16), 5031, 2021
Calculated external pressure coefficients on livestock buildings and comparison with Eurocode 1
DL Kateris, VP Fragos, TA Kotsopoulos, AG Martzopoulou, D Moshou
Wind & structures 15 (6), 481-494, 2012
Simulation analysis of air flow and turbulence statistics in a rib grit roughened duct
II Vogiatzis, AC Denizopoulou, GK Ntinas, VP Fragos
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 791513, 2014
Two-dimensional numerical simulation of vortex shedding and flapping motion of turbulent flow around a rib
VP Fragos, SP Psychoudaki, NA Malamataris
Computers & fluids 69, 108-121, 2012
Early detection of cavitation in centrifugal pumps using low-cost vibration and sound sensors
M Karagiovanidis, XE Pantazi, D Papamichail, V Fragos
Agriculture 13 (8), 1544, 2023
Numerical simulation of airflow over two successive tunnel greenhouses
JN Dados, VP Fragos, GK Ntinas, S Papoutsi-Psychoudaki, ...
International Agrophysics 25 (4), 2011
Improvement of the performance of an earth to air heat exchanger for greenhouse cooling by the incorporation of water finned tubes—a theoretical approach
VK Firfiris, SD Kalamaras, AG Martzopoulou, VP Fragos, TA Kotsopoulos
AgriEngineering 4 (1), 190-206, 2022
Characteristics of unsteady flow around two successive rectangular ribs on floor of a wind tunnel
GK Ntinas, IN Dados, X Shen, NA Malamataris, VP Fragos, G Zhang
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 65, 450-458, 2017
Monitoring pollution level and microclimate conditions in a naturally ventilated livestock building using open-source device.
A Denizopoulou, P Karnoutsos, A Martzopoulou, I Giantsis, ...
CFD study of external pressure coefficient over two greenhouses with parabolic roofs in tandem arrangement with numerical approximation
GK Ntinas, I Dados, D Kateris, VP Fragos, TA Kotsopoulos
International Symposium on New Technologies and Management for Greenhouses …, 2015
Unsteady computational study of airflow characteristics around an agricultural structure model
GK Ntinas, DL Kateris, VP Fragos, NA Malamataris, ...
International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management Towards …, 2011
Numerical estimation of pressure coefficients over single and multispan duo pitched roof greenhouses
DL Kateris, TA Kotsopoulos, VP Fragos, CH Nikita-Martzopoulou
International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management Towards …, 2011
Computational study of a separating and reattaching flow
SP Psychoudaki, VP Fragos, NA Malamataris
IASME Transactions 2 (7), 1120-1131, 2005
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Articles 1–20