xiaodan li
xiaodan li
principle investigator, Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen Switzerland
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X-ray structure of the mouse serotonin 5-HT3 receptor
VNH 11. Hassaine, G, Deluz, C, Grasso, L, Wyss, R, Tol, MB, Hovius, R, Graff ...
nature, 2014
The mechanism of ammonia transport based on the crystal structure of AmtB of Escherichia coli
L Zheng, D Kostrewa, S Bernèche, FK Winkler, XD Li
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (49), 17090-17095, 2004
The crystal structure of the Escherichia coli AmtB–GlnK complex reveals how GlnK regulates the ammonia channel
MJ Conroy, A Durand, D Lupo, XD Li, PA Bullough, FK Winkler, M Merrick
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (4), 1213-1218, 2007
The 1.3-Å resolution structure of Nitrosomonas europaea Rh50 and mechanistic implications for NH3 transport by Rhesus family proteins
D Lupo, XD Li, A Durand, T Tomizaki, B Cherif-Zahar, G Matassi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (49), 19303-19308, 2007
Femtosecond X-ray diffraction from two-dimensional protein crystals
IUCrJ, 2014
An unusual twin-his arrangement in the pore of ammonia channels is essential for substrate conductance
A Javelle, D Lupo, L Zheng, XD Li, FK Winkler, M Merrick
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (51), 39492-39498, 2006
A new PII protein structure identifies the 2-oxoglutarate binding site
D Truan, LF Huergo, LS Chubatsu, M Merrick, XD Li, FK Winkler
Journal of molecular biology 400 (3), 531-539, 2010
Structural and mechanistic aspects of Amt/Rh proteins
A Javelle, D Lupo, XD Li, M Merrick, M Chami, P Ripoche, FK Winkler
Journal of structural biology 158 (3), 472-481, 2007
Two alternative conformations of a voltage-gated sodium channel
XD Tsai, CJ, Tani K, Irie K, Hiroaki Y, Shimomura T, McMillan DG, Gregory M ...
J Mol Biol, 2013
Evolving P450pyr Hydroxylase for Highly Enantioselective Hydroxylation at Non-Activated Carbon Atom
XDLZL Song Quang Pham, Guillaume Pompidor, Ji Liu
Chem Commun, 2012
Low-Z polymer sample supports for fixed-target serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography
SBFM 4. Feld G, Heymann M, Benner H, Pardini T, Tsai CJ, Boutet S, Coleman M ...
J. Appl. Cryst, 2015
7 Å resolution in protein two-dimensional-crystal X-ray diffraction at Linac Coherent Light Source
B Pedrini, CJ Tsai, G Capitani, C Padeste, MS Hunter, NA Zatsepin, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
Crystal Structure of the Carboxyltransferase Domain of the Oxaloacetate Decarboxylase Na+ Pump from Vibrio cholerae
R Studer, P Dahinden, WW Wang, Y Auchli, XD Li, P Dimroth
Journal of molecular biology 367 (2), 547-557, 2007
Time-resolved structural studies with serial crystallography: a new light on retinal proteins
V Panneels, W Wu, CJ Tsai, P Nogly, J Rheinberger, K Jaeger, ...
Structural Dynamics 2 (4), 2015
Crystal structure of the GlnZ-DraG complex reveals a different form of PII-target interaction
C Rajendran, ECM Gerhardt, S Bjelic, A Gasperina, M Scarduelli, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (47), 18972-18976, 2011
A Type IV tranlocated Legionella cysteine phytase counteracts intracellular growth restriction by phytate
HH 9. Weber S, Stirnimann CU, Wieser M, Frey D, Meier R, Engelhardt S, Li XD ...
J Biol Chem, 2014
Crystal structure of the BoNT/A2 receptor-binding domain in complex with the luminal domain of its neuronal receptor SV2C
KRA Benoit RM, Schärer MA, Wieser MM, Li X, Frey D
Sci Rep 7, 43588, 2017
Regulation of nitrogenase by reversible mono-ADP-ribosylation
VR Moure, FF Costa, LM Cruz, FO Pedrosa, EM Souza, XD Li, F Winkler, ...
Endogenous ADP-Ribosylation, 89-106, 2015
Structural and functional insights into the AmtB/Mep/Rh protein family
XD Li, D Lupo, L Zheng, F Winkler
Transfusion clinique et biologique 13 (1-2), 65-69, 2006
Grayscale e-beam lithography: Effects of a delayed development for well-controlled 3D patterning
T Mortelmans, D Kazazis, VA Guzenko, C Padeste, T Braun, H Stahlberg, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 225, 111272, 2020
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