Prof.(Dr.) Praveen kumar
Prof.(Dr.) Praveen kumar
Director and Professor , Department of Computer Engineering , Astana IT University
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Cited by
Evaluating and exploring the MYO ARMBAND
S Rawat, S Vats, P Kumar
System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART), International …, 2016
Integration of RFID and sensor in agriculture using IOT
T Wasson, T Choudhury, S Sharma, P Kumar
Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon), 2017 International …, 2017
KAFKA: The modern platform for data management and analysis in big data domain
R Shree, T Choudhury, SC Gupta, P Kumar
2017 2nd International Conference on Telecommunication and Networks (TEL-NET …, 2017
Privacy and Security of Cloud-Based Internet of Things (IoT)
T Choudhury, A Gupta, S Pradhan, P Kumar, YS Rathore
Computational Intelligence and Networks (CINE), 2017 3rd International …, 2017
Fog computing: Common security issues and proposed countermeasures
P Kumar, N Zaidi, T Choudhury
System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART), International …, 2016
Implementation model of Wi-Fi based Smart Home System
HV Bhatnagar, P Kumar, S Rawat, T Choudhury
2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication …, 2018
Emerging Trends in Expert Applications and Security
VS Rathore, M Worring, DK Mishra, A Joshi, S Maheshwari
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. doi 10, 978-981, 2019
Health Monitoring & Management using IoT devices in a Cloud Based Framework
A Sharma, T Choudhury, P Kumar
2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication …, 2018
An Advancement towards Efficient Face Recognition Using Live Video Feed:" For the Future"
J Dhamija, T Choudhury, P Kumar, YS Rathore
Computational Intelligence and Networks (CINE), 2017 3rd International …, 2017
Movie Recommendation System: Hybrid Information Filtering System
KN Jain, V Kumar, P Kumar, T Choudhury
Intelligent Computing and Information and Communication, 677-686, 2018
Conversational commerce a new era of e-business
N Piyush, T Choudhury, P Kumar
System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART), International …, 2016
Analysis of classification models based on cuisine prediction using machine learning
S Jayaraman, T Choudhury, P Kumar
Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon), 2017 International …, 2017
Specialization of IoT applications in health care industries
S Purri, T Choudhury, N Kashyap, P Kumar
Big Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence (ICBDAC), 2017 …, 2017
Analysis of Various Machine Learning Algorithms for Enhanced Opinion Mining Using Twitter Data Streams
P Kumar, T Choudhury, S Rawat, S Jayaraman
Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ICMETE), 2016 …, 2016
A Platform for Human-Chatbot Interaction Using Python
B Kohli, T Choudhury, S Sharma, P Kumar
A deep learning approach to ship detection using satellite imagery
MM Stofa, MA Zulkifley, SZM Zaki
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 540 (1), 012049, 2020
Analysis of Weather Prediction using Machine Learning & Big Data
S Madan, P Kumar, S Rawat, T Choudhury
2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication …, 2018
Computer communication, networking and internet security
SC Satapathy, V Bhateja, KS Raju, B Janakiramaiah
Proceedings of IC3T 5, 20160, 2016
Analysis and Comparative Exploration of Elastic Search, MongoDB and Hadoop Big Data Processing
P Kumar, P Kumar, N Zaidi, VS Rathore
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications, 605-615, 2018
Proposed noval security system based on passive infrared sensor
A Chaturvedi, P Kumar, S Rawat
Information Technology (InCITe)-The Next Generation IT Summit on the Theme …, 2016
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Articles 1–20