Spiros Papageorgiou
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Cited by
The association between TOEFL iBT® test scores and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) levels
S Papageorgiou, RJ Tannenbaum, B Bridgeman, Y Cho
Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 2015
Investigating the decision-making process of standard setting participants
S Papageorgiou
Language Testing 27 (2), 261-282, 2010
An investigation of the use of TOEFL® Junior™ Standard scores for ESL placement decisions in secondary education
S Papageorgiou, Y Cho
Language Testing 31 (2), 223-239, 2014
Effects of strength of accent on an L2 interactive lecture listening comprehension test
GJ Ockey, S Papageorgiou, R French
International Journal of Listening 30 (1-2), 84-98, 2016
A design framework for the ELTeach program assessments
JW Young, D Freeman, MC Hauck, PG Gomez, S Papageorgiou
ETS Research Report Series 2014 (2), 1-29, 2014
Situating standard setting within argument-based validity
S Papageorgiou, RJ Tannenbaum
Language Assessment Quarterly 13 (2), 109-123, 2016
Developing and validating band levels and descriptors for reporting overall examinee performance
S Papageorgiou, X Xi, R Morgan, Y So
Language Assessment Quarterly 12 (2), 153-177, 2015
Mapping the TOEFL iBT® Test Scores to China's Standards of English Language Ability: Implications for Score Interpretation and Use
S Papageorgiou, S Wu, CN Hsieh, RJ Tannenbaum, M Cheng
ETS Research Report Series 2019 (1), 1-49, 2019
Maintaining access to a large-scale test of academic language proficiency during the pandemic: The launch of TOEFL iBT Home Edition
S Papageorgiou, VF Manna
Language Assessment Quarterly 18 (1), 36-41, 2021
Relating the Trinity College London GESE and ISE exams to the Common European Framework of Reference: Piloting of the Council of Europe draft Manual (Final project report)
S Papageorgiou
Unpublished final project report). London: Trinity College, 2007
The relative difficulty of dialogic and monologic input in a second-language listening comprehension test
S Papageorgiou, R Stevens, S Goodwin
Language Assessment Quarterly 9 (4), 375-397, 2012
Examining the Applications and Opinions of the TOEFL ITP® Assessment Series Test Scores in Three Countries
J Golubovich, F Tolentino, S Papageorgiou
ETS Research Report Series 2018 (1), 1-30, 2018
Design Framework for the TOEFL® Essentials™ Test 2021
S Papageorgiou, L Davis, JM Norris, PG Gomez, VF Manna, L Monfils
ETS Research Memorandum No. RM-21-03, 2021
Facilitating the interpretation of English language proficiency scores: Combining scale anchoring and test score mapping methodologies
D Powers, M Schedl, S Papageorgiou
Language Testing 34 (2), 175-195, 2017
Mapping the TOEFL® Primary™ Test onto the Common European Framework of Reference
PA Baron, S Papageorgiou
Research Memorandum No. RM-14-05). ETS, 2014
What’s in a topic? Exploring the interaction between test-taker age and item content in high-stakes testing
J Banerjee, S Papageorgiou
International Journal of Listening 30 (1-2), 8-24, 2016
Setting performance standards in Europe: the judges' contribution to relating language examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference
S Papageorgiou
Peter Lang, 2009
Complementary strengths? Evaluation of a hybrid human-machine scoring approach for a test of oral academic English
L Davis, S Papageorgiou
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 28 (4), 437-455, 2021
Aligning language assessments to standards and frameworks
S Papageorgiou
Handbook of second language assessment, 327-340, 2016
Evaluating subscore uses across multiple levels: A case of reading and listening subscores for young EFL learners
I Choi, S Papageorgiou
Language Testing 37 (2), 254-279, 2020
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Articles 1–20