Teemu Manderbacka
Teemu Manderbacka
Maritime Research Team Leader @VTT | Professor of Practice @AALTO
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A big data analytics method for the evaluation of ship-ship collision risk reflecting hydrometeorological conditions
M Zhang, J Montewka, T Manderbacka, P Kujala, S Hirdaris
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 213, 107674, 2021
Transient response of a ship to an abrupt flooding accounting for the momentum flux
T Manderbacka, T Mikkola, P Ruponen, J Matusiak
Journal of Fluids and Structures 57, 108-126, 2015
Accident susceptibility index for a passenger ship-a framework and case study
J Montewka, T Manderbacka, P Ruponen, M Tompuri, M Gil, S Hirdaris
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 218, 108145, 2022
Model experiments of the transient response to flooding of the box shaped barge
T Manderbacka, P Ruponen, J Kulovesi, J Matusiak
Journal of Fluids and Structures 57, 127-143, 2015
An overview of the current research on stability of ships and ocean vehicles: The STAB2018 perspective
T Manderbacka, N Themelis, I Bačkalov, E Boulougouris, E Eliopoulou, ...
Ocean Engineering 186, 106090, 2019
The impact of the inflow momentum on the transient roll response of a damaged ship
T Manderbacka, P Ruponen
Ocean Engineering 120, 346-352, 2016
On the calculation of the righting lever curve for a damaged ship
P Ruponen, T Manderbacka, D Lindroth
Ocean Engineering 149, 313-324, 2018
Numerical sloshing simulations: Comparison between lagrangian and lumped mass models applied to two compartments with mass transfer
JM Fonfach, T Manderbacka, MAS Neves
Ocean Engineering 114, 168-184, 2016
On the alternative approaches to stability analysis in decision support for damaged passenger ships
P Ruponen, P Pennanen, T Manderbacka
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 2019
Digital Twin for Monitoring Remaining Fatigue Life of Critical Hull Structures
T Hulkkonen, T Manderbacka, K Sugimoto
18th Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the …, 2019
A framework for onboard assessment and monitoring of flooding risk due to open watertight doors for passenger ships
P Ruponen, J Montewka, M Tompuri, T Manderbacka, S Hirdaris
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 226, 108666, 2022
Convex optimisation model for ship speed profile: Optimisation under fixed schedule
J Huotari, T Manderbacka, A Ritari, K Tammi
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (7), 730, 2021
Ship motions caused by time-varying extra mass on board
TL Manderbacka, JE Matusiak, P Ruponen
Proceedings of the 12th International Ship Stability Workshop, Washington DC …, 2011
Analysis of the grounding avoidance behavior of a ro-pax ship in the gulf of Finland using big data
M Zhang, J Montewka, T Manderbacka, P Kujala, S Hirdaris
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-20-4226, 2020
Sloshing forces on a tank with two compartments, application of the pendulum model and CFD
TL Manderbacka, V Jacob, T Carriot, T Mikkola, JE Matusiak
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45509 …, 2014
Model tests on the impact of the opening location on the water motions in a flooded tank with two compartments
T Manderbacka, J Kulovesi, MAC Celis, JE Matusiak, MAS Neves
Ocean engineering 84, 67-80, 2014
On the uncertainties of the weather routing and support system against dangerous conditions
T Manderbacka
Proceedings of the 17th International Ship Stability Workshop, Helsinki …, 2019
Development of a new practical ship motion calculation method with forward speed
S Kalske, T Manderbacka
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-17-297, 2017
Study of damping effect of the floodwater on a damaged ship roll motion
TL Manderbacka, TK Mikkola, JE Matusiak
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-15-400, 2015
Influence of sloshing on the transfer of water between neighbouring compartments considering three different opening configurations
TL Manderbacka, M Vitola, MA Celis C, JE Matusiak, MAS Neves, ...
International conference on offshore mechanics and arctic engineering 55430 …, 2013
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Articles 1–20