Rachel Williamson Smith
Rachel Williamson Smith
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Testing whether the DSM-5 personality disorder trait model can be measured with a reduced set of items: An item response theory investigation of the Personality Inventory for …
JL Maples, NT Carter, LR Few, C Crego, WL Gore, DB Samuel, ...
Psychological Assessment 27 (4), 1195-1210, 2015
Mindfulness-based training interventions for employees: A qualitative review of the literature
LT Eby, TD Allen, KM Conley, RL Williamson, TG Henderson, VS Mancini
Human Resource Management Review 29 (2), 156-178, 2019
The Multidimensional Workaholism Scale: Linking the Conceptualization and Measurement of Workaholism
MA Clark, RW Smith, NJ Haynes
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2020
The downsides of extreme conscientiousness for psychological well‐being: The role of obsessive compulsive tendencies
NT Carter, L Guan, JL Maples, RL Williamson, JD Miller
Journal of personality 84 (4), 510-522, 2016
Using item response theory to develop a 60-item representation of the NEO PI–R using the International Personality Item Pool: Development of the IPIP–NEO–60
JL Maples-Keller, RL Williamson, CE Sleep, NT Carter, WK Campbell, ...
Journal of personality assessment 101 (1), 4-15, 2019
What Do We Really Know About the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Training in the Workplace?
MEM Tammy D Allen, Lillian T Eby, Kate M Conley, Rachel L Williamson, Victor ...
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 8 (04), 652-661, 2015
Psychological ownership within psychology of working theory: A three-wave study of gender and sexual minority employees
RW Smith, LE Baranik, RD Duffy
Journal of Vocational Behavior 118, 103374, 2020
Gender Bias in the Measurement of Workaholism
A Beiler-May, RL Williamson, MA Clark, NT Carter
Journal of Personality Assessment 99 (1), 104-110, 2016
Examining personality-job characteristic interactions in explaining work outcomes
RW Smith, MM DeNunzio
Journal of Research in Personality, 2019
Bringing home what I′m hiding at work: The impact of sexual orientation disclosure at work for same-sex couples
RL Williamson, A Beiler-May, L Locklear, MA Clark
Journal of Vocational Behavior 103, 7-22, 2017
Does It Matter Where You're Helpful? Organizational Citizenship Behavior from Work and Home
RW Smith, YJ Kim, NT Carter
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2020
A conditional threshold hypothesis for creative achievement: On the interaction between intelligence and openness
A Harris, R Williamson, N Carter
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 13 (3), 322-337, 2018
Understanding job satisfaction in the causal attitude network (CAN) model.
NT Carter, MR Lowery, R Williamson Smith, KM Conley, AM Harris, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (9), 959, 2020
A content validation of work passion: Was the passion ever there?
RW Smith, H Min, MA Ng, NJ Haynes, MA Clark
Journal of Business and Psychology 38, 191-213, 2023
The Importance of Appraisal in Stressor-Well-Being Relationships and the Examination of Personality Traits as Boundary Conditions
RW Smith, MM DeNunzio, NJ Haynes, A Thiele
Journal of Managerial Psychology 37 (5), 425-443, 2022
Desired and obtained work values across 37 countries: a psychology of working theory perspective
LE Baranik, N Wright, RW Smith
International Journal of Manpower, 2022
Who are these workers, anyway?
TL Griggs, LT Eby, CK Maupin, KM Conley, RL Williamson, OHV Griek, ...
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 9 (1), 114-121, 2016
The bright, dark, and gray sides of risk takers at work: criterion validity of risk propensity for contextual work performance
DC Zhang, CL Barratt, RW Smith
Journal of Business and Psychology 39 (2), 275-294, 2024
Workaholism and Work-Family Conflict: Theoretical Perspectives, Empirical Findings, and Directions for Future Research
RL Williamson, MA Clark
Work-Life Balance in the 21st Century: Perspectives, Practices, and Challenges, 2017
Being mindful about workaholism: Associations between workaholism and mindfulness.
GJ Howard, RW Smith, NJ Haynes, MA Clark
Occupational Health Science, 2022
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Articles 1–20