Yusuke Uchiyama
Yusuke Uchiyama
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Search for the lepton flavour violating decay with the full dataset of the MEG experiment
AM Baldini, Y Bao, E Baracchini, C Bemporad, F Berg, M Biasotti, G Boca, ...
The European Physical Journal C 76 (8), 1-30, 2016
The design of the MEG II experiment: MEG II Collaboration
AM Baldini, E Baracchini, C Bemporad, F Berg, M Biasotti, G Boca, ...
The European Physical Journal C 78, 1-60, 2018
New Limit on the Lepton-Flavor-Violating Decay
J Adam, X Bai, AM Baldini, E Baracchini, C Bemporad, G Boca, ...
Physical review letters 107 (17), 171801, 2011
Wave–current interaction in an oceanic circulation model with a vortex-force formalism: Application to the surf zone
Y Uchiyama, JC McWilliams, AF Shchepetkin
Ocean Modelling 34 (1-2), 16-35, 2010
MEG upgrade proposal
AM Baldini, F Cei, C Cerri, S Dussoni, L Galli, M Grassi, D Nicolo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.7225, 2013
Submarine groundwater discharge into the sea and associated nutrient transport in a sandy beach
Y Uchiyama, K Nadaoka, P Rölke, K Adachi, H Yagi
Water Resources Research 36 (6), 1467-1479, 2000
Clinical benefits of rotational 3D angiography in endovascular treatment of ruptured cerebral aneurysm
T Abe, M Hirohata, N Tanaka, Y Uchiyama, K Kojima, K Fujimoto, ...
American journal of neuroradiology 23 (4), 686-688, 2002
The MEG detector for μ +→e+ γ decay search
J Adam, X Bai, AM Baldini, E Baracchini, C Bemporad, G Boca, ...
The European Physical Journal C 73, 1-59, 2013
A limit for the μ→ eγ decay from the MEG experiment
J Adam, X Bai, A Baldini, E Baracchini, A Barchiesi, C Bemporad, G Boca, ...
Nuclear Physics B 834 (1-2), 1-12, 2010
Development of high precision timing counter based on plastic scintillator with SiPM readout
PW Cattaneo, M De Gerone, F Gatti, M Nishimura, W Ootani, M Rossella, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61 (5), 2657-2666, 2014
Wave‐current interaction in nearshore shear instability analyzed with a vortex force formalism
Y Uchiyama, JC McWilliams, JM Restrepo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 114 (C6), 2009
Oxygen exchange flux between sediment and water in an intertidal sandflat, measured in situ by the eddy-correlation method
T Kuwae, K Kamio, T Inoue, E Miyoshi, Y Uchiyama
Marine Ecology Progress Series 307, 59-68, 2006
Modeling semidiurnal internal tide variability in the Southern California Bight
MC Buijsman, Y Uchiyama, JC McWilliams, CR Hill-Lindsay
Journal of Physical Oceanography 42 (1), 62-77, 2012
Blood brain–barrier disruption of nonionic iodinated contrast medium following coil embolization of a ruptured intracerebral aneurysm
Y Uchiyama, T Abe, M Hirohata, N Tanaka, K Kojima, H Nishimura, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 25 (10), 1783-1786, 2004
Wastewater effluent dispersal in Southern California bays
Y Uchiyama, EY Idica, JC McWilliams, KD Stolzenbach
Continental Shelf Research 76, 36-52, 2014
Submesoscale coherent structures on the continental shelf
DP Dauhajre, JC McWilliams, Y Uchiyama
Journal of Physical Oceanography 47 (12), 2949-2976, 2017
Conformity of carotid stents with vascular anatomy: evaluation in carotid models
N Tanaka, JB Martin, K Tokunaga, T Abe, Y Uchiyama, N Hayabuchi, ...
American journal of neuroradiology 25 (4), 604-607, 2004
Eddy‐driven nutrient transport and associated upper‐ocean primary production along the K uroshio
Y Uchiyama, Y Suzue, H Yamazaki
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (6), 5046-5062, 2017
An oceanic cyclonic eddy on the lee side of Lanai Island, Hawai'i
C Dong, T Mavor, F Nencioli, S Jiang, Y Uchiyama, JC McWilliams, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 114 (C10), 2009
Midshelf to surfzone coupled ROMS–SWAN model data comparison of waves, currents, and temperature: Diagnosis of subtidal forcings and response
N Kumar, F Feddersen, Y Uchiyama, J McWilliams, W O’Reilly
Journal of Physical Oceanography 45 (6), 1464-1490, 2015
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Articles 1–20