Todd Petty
Todd Petty
Clemson University - Forestry and Environmental Conservation
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Brook trout movement in response to temperature, flow, and thermal refugia within a complex Appalachian riverscape
JT Petty, JL Hansbarger, BM Huntsman, PM Mazik
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141 (4), 1060-1073, 2012
Culvert replacement and stream habitat restoration: implications from brook trout management in an Appalachian watershed, USA
IO Poplar‐Jeffers, JT Petty, JT Anderson, SJ Kite, MP Strager, RH Fortney
Restoration Ecology 17 (3), 404-413, 2009
Restricted movement by mottled sculpin (Pisces: Cottidae) in a southern Appalachian stream
JT Petty, GD Grossman
Freshwater Biology 49 (5), 631-645, 2004
Spatial and seasonal dynamics of brook trout populations inhabiting a central Appalachian watershed
JT Petty, PJ Lamothe, PM Mazik
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134 (3), 572-587, 2005
Response of fish and macroinvertebrate bioassessment indices to water chemistry in a mined Appalachian watershed
JG Freund, JT Petty
Environmental Management 39, 707-720, 2007
Patch selection by mottled sculpin (Pisces: Cottidae) in a southern Appalachian stream
T Petty, G Grossman
Freshwater Biology 35 (2), 261-276, 1996
Multi‐scale effects of resource patchiness on foraging behaviour and habitat use by longnose dace, Rhinichthys cataractae
AR Thompson, JT Petty, GD Grossman
Freshwater Biology 46 (2), 145-160, 2001
Landscape indicators and thresholds of stream ecological impairment in an intensively mined Appalachian watershed
JT Petty, JB Fulton, MP Strager, GT Merovich Jr, JM Stiles, ...
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29 (4), 1292-1309, 2010
Population dynamics of mottled sculpin (Pisces) in a variable environment: information theoretic approaches
GD Grossman, RE Ratajczak Jr, JT Petty, MD Hunter, JT Peterson, ...
Ecological Monographs 76 (2), 217-234, 2006
Additive effects of mining and residential development on stream conditions in a central Appalachian watershed
ER Merriam, JT Petty, GT Merovich Jr, JB Fulton, MP Strager
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30 (2), 399-418, 2011
Stream ecosystem response to limestone treatment in acid impacted watersheds of the Allegheny Plateau
SE McClurg, JT Petty, PM Mazik, JL Clayton
Ecological Applications 17 (4), 1087-1104, 2007
Why there are fewer fish upstream
GD Grossman, RE Ratajczak, MD Farr, CM Wagner, JT Petty
American Fisheries Society Symposium 73, 63-81, 2010
Watershed analysis with GIS: The watershed characterization and modeling system software application
MP Strager, JJ Fletcher, JM Strager, CB Yuill, RN Eli, JT Petty, SJ Lamont
Computers & Geosciences 36 (7), 970-976, 2010
Electrofishing capture efficiencies for common stream fish species to support watershed‐scale studies in the central Appalachians
Z Hense, RW Martin, JT Petty
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30 (4), 1041-1050, 2010
Density-dependent regulation of brook trout population dynamics along a core-periphery distribution gradient in a central Appalachian watershed
BM Huntsman, JT Petty
PLoS One 9 (3), e91673, 2014
Water chemistry‐based classification of streams and implications for restoring mined Appalachian watersheds
GT Merovich Jr, JM Stiles, JT Petty, PF Ziemkiewicz, JB Fulton
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26 (7), 1361-1369, 2007
Giving‐up densities and ideal pre‐emptive patch use in a predatory benthic stream fish
JT Petty, GD Grossman
Freshwater Biology 55 (4), 780-793, 2010
Size‐dependent territoriality of mottled sculpin in a southern Appalachian stream
JT Petty, GD Grossman
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136 (6), 1750-1761, 2007
An ecologically based approach to identifying restoration priorities in an acid‐impacted watershed
JT Petty, D Thorne
Restoration Ecology 13 (2), 348-357, 2005
The temperature–productivity squeeze: constraints on brook trout growth along an Appalachian river continuum
JT Petty, D Thorne, BM Huntsman, PM Mazik
Hydrobiologia 727, 151-166, 2014
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Articles 1–20