Anirban Guha
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Cited by
An experimental and numerical study of water jet cleaning process
A Guha, RM Barron, R Balachandar
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 211 (4), 610-618, 2011
Numerical simulation of high-speed turbulent water jets in air
A Guha, RM Barron, R Balachandar
Journal of Hydraulic Research 48 (1), 119-124, 2010
A wave interaction approach to studying non-modal homogeneous and stratified shear instabilities
A Guha, GA Lawrence
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 755, 336-364, 2014
On the stability of plane Couette-Poiseuille flow with uniform crossflow
A Guha, IA Frigaard
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 656, 417-447, 2010
Estuary Classification Revisited
A Guha, GA Lawrence
Journal of Physical Oceanography 43 (8), 1566–1571, 2013
Revisiting Bolgiano–Obukhov scaling for moderately stably stratified turbulence
S Alam, A Guha, MK Verma
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 875, 961-973, 2019
On Bragg resonances and wave triad interactions in two-layered shear flows
R Raj, A Guha
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 867, 482-515, 2019
Modeling Rossby Wave Breaking in the Southern Spring Stratosphere
A Guha, CR Mechoso, CS Konor, RP Heikes
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73 (1), 393–406, 2016
Evolution of a barotropic shear layer into elliptical vortices
A Guha, M Rahmani, GA Lawrence
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (1 …, 2013
On the inertial effects of density variation in stratified shear flows
A Guha, R Raj
Physics of Fluids 30 (12), 2018
Normal form of synchronization and resonance between vorticity waves in shear flow instability
E Heifetz, A Guha
Physical Review E 100 (4), 043105, 2019
Predicting vortex merging and ensuing turbulence characteristics in shear layers from initial conditions
A Guha, M Rahmani
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 878, R4, 2019
A generalized action-angle representation of wave interaction in stratified shear flows
E Heifetz, A Guha
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 834, 220-236, 2018
Energy transfer in resonant and near-resonant internal wave triads for weakly non-uniform stratifications. Part 1. Unbounded domain
S Gururaj, A Guha
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 899, A6, 2020
Nonlinear modeling of stratified shear instabilities, wave breaking, and wave-topography interactions using vortex method
D Bhardwaj, A Guha
Physics of Fluids 30 (1), 2018
Similarities between the structure functions of thermal convection and hydrodynamic turbulence
S Bhattacharya, S Sadhukhan, A Guha, MK Verma
Physics of Fluids 31 (11), 115107, 2019
Instability of a smooth shear layer through wave interactions
JR Carpenter, A Guha
Physics of Fluids 31 (8), 2019
A physical interpretation of the wind-wave instability as interacting waves
JR Carpenter, A Guha, E Heifetz
Journal of Physical Oceanography 47 (6), 1441-1455, 2017
Modified Stokes drift due to resonant interactions between surface waves and corrugated sea floor with and without a mean current
A Gupta, A Guha
Physical Review Fluids 6 (2), 024801, 2021
Wave interactions in neutrally stable shear layers: Regular and singular modes, and non-modal growth
E Heifetz, A Guha, JR Carpenter
Physics of Fluids 32 (7), 2020
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Articles 1–20