Ann Haynos
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Anorexia nervosa as a disorder of emotion dysregulation: Evidence and treatment implications.
AF Haynos, AE Fruzzetti
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 18 (3), 183, 2011
Fifteen-Year Prevalence, Trajectories, and Predictors of Body Dissatisfaction From Adolescence to Middle Adulthood
SB Wang, AF Haynos, MM Wall, C Chen, ME Eisenberg, ...
Clinical Psychological Science 7 (6), 1403-1415, 2019
Universal childhood and adolescent obesity prevention programs: review and critical analysis
AF Haynos, WT O'Donohue
Clinical psychology review 32 (5), 383-399, 2012
Associations between emotion regulation difficulties, eating disorder symptoms, non-suicidal self-injury, and suicide attempts in a heterogeneous eating disorder sample
EM Pisetsky, AF Haynos, JM Lavender, SJ Crow, CB Peterson
Comprehensive psychiatry 73, 143-150, 2017
Factors predicting an escalation of restrictive eating during adolescence
AF Haynos, AW Watts, KA Loth, CM Pearson, D Neumark-Stzainer
Journal of Adolescent Health 59 (4), 391-396, 2016
Conceptualizing eating disorder psychopathology using an anxiety disorders framework: Evidence and implications for exposure-based clinical research
K Schaumberg, EE Reilly, S Gorrell, CA Levinson, NR Farrell, TA Brown, ...
Clinical psychology review 83, 101952, 2021
Restrictive eating is associated with emotion regulation difficulties in a non-clinical sample
AF Haynos, SB Wang, AE Fruzzetti
Eating disorders 26 (1), 5-12, 2018
Emotion regulation difficulties in anorexia nervosa before and after inpatient weight restoration
AF Haynos, CA Roberto, MA Martinez, E Attia, AE Fruzzetti
International Journal of Eating Disorders 47 (8), 888-891, 2014
Stability and change in patterns of eating disorder symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood
CM Pearson, J Miller, DM Ackard, KA Loth, MM Wall, AF Haynos, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 50 (7), 748-757, 2017
Trajectories of Higher-and Lower-Order Dimensions of Negative and Positive Affect Relative to Restrictive Eating in Anorexia Nervosa.
AF Haynos, KC Berg, L Cao, RD Crosby, JM Lavender, LM Utzinger, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology, 2016
Which brief is best? Clarifying the use of three brief versions of the difficulties in emotion regulation scale
JM Skutch, SB Wang, T Buqo, AF Haynos, A Papa
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 41, 485-494, 2019
Examining the associations between emotion regulation difficulties, anxiety, and eating disorder severity among inpatients with anorexia nervosa
AF Haynos, CA Roberto, E Attia
Comprehensive psychiatry 60, 93-98, 2015
Children's descriptions of the foods consumed during loss of control eating episodes
KR Theim, M Tanofsky-Kraff, CG Salaita, AF Haynos, MC Mirch, ...
Eating behaviors 8 (2), 258-265, 2007
Laboratory-based studies of eating among children and adolescents
M Tanofsky-Kraff, AF Haynos, LA Kotler, SZ Yanovski, JA Yanovski
Current Nutrition & Food Science 3 (1), 55-74, 2007
Machine learning enhances prediction of illness course: a longitudinal study in eating disorders
AF Haynos, SB Wang, S Lipson, CB Peterson, JE Mitchell, KA Halmi, ...
Psychological medicine 51 (8), 1392-1402, 2021
Intergenerational transmission of parent encouragement to diet from adolescence into adulthood
JM Berge, MR Winkler, N Larson, J Miller, AF Haynos, ...
Pediatrics 141 (4), 2018
A theoretical review of interpersonal emotion regulation in eating disorders: enhancing knowledge by bridging interpersonal and affective dysfunction
KA Christensen, AF Haynos
Journal of eating disorders 8 (1), 21, 2020
Comparing self‐harming intentions underlying eating disordered behaviors and NSSI: Evidence that distinctions are less clear than assumed
KR Fox, SB Wang, C Boccagno, AF Haynos, E Kleiman, JM Hooley
International journal of eating disorders 52 (5), 564-575, 2019
Patterns of weight control behavior persisting beyond young adulthood: Results from a 15‐year longitudinal study
AF Haynos, MM Wall, C Chen, SB Wang, K Loth, D Neumark‐Sztainer
International Journal of Eating Disorders 51 (9), 1090-1097, 2018
Moving towards specificity: A systematic review of cue features associated with reward and punishment in anorexia nervosa
AF Haynos, JM Lavender, J Nelson, SJ Crow, CB Peterson
Clinical psychology review 79, 101872, 2020
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