Dr. Asep Sandra Budiman, M.Si
Dr. Asep Sandra Budiman, M.Si
Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere BRIN - Indonesia
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Cited by
A Maluku Sea intermediate western boundary current connecting Pacific Ocean circulation to the Indonesian Throughflow
D Yuan, X Yin, X Li, C Corvianawatie, Z Wang, Y Li, Y Yang, X Hu, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2093, 2022
Moored observations of currents and water mass properties between Talaud and Halmahera Islands at the entrance of the Indonesian Seas
X Li, D Yuan, Y Li, Z Wang, J Wang, X Hu, Y Yang, C Corvianawatie, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 51 (12), 3557-3572, 2021
Hydraulics and mixing of the deep overflow in the Lifamatola Passage of the Indonesian seas
S Tan, LJ Pratt, D Yuan, X Li, Z Wang, Y Li, C Corvianawatie, D Surinati, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 50 (9), 2797-2814, 2020
Potensi Kejadian Rob Di Pesisir Probolinggo Serta Perbandingan Kondisinya Antara Musim Barat Dan Musim Timur Berdasarkan Data Oseanografi Dan Meteorologi
AS Budiman, IH Supriadi
Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 11 (3), 667-681, 2019
Pemodelan hidrodinamika arus pasang surut Teluk Mayalibit Kabupaten Raja Ampat Provinsi Papua Barat
AS Budiman, AF Koropitan, IW Nurjaya
Depik 3 (2), 2014
Seasonal mixed layer temperature and salt balances in the Banda Sea observed by an Argo float
MFA Ismail, J Karstensen, J Ribbe, T Arifin, H Chandra, R Akhwady, ...
Geoscience Letters 10 (1), 10, 2023
Water mass characteristic in the outflow region of the Indonesian throughflow during and post 2016 negative Indian ocean dipole event
A Bayhaqi, I Iskandar, D Surinati, AS Budiman, AK Wardhana, D Yuan, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 149 (1), 012053, 2018
Warming of the upper ocean in the Indonesian maritime continent
MFA Ismail, AS Budiman, A Basit, E Yulihastin, HI Ratnawati, D Surinati, ...
International Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and …, 2022
A comparison of the three upwelling indices in the South Java sea shelf
AS Budiman, DG Bengen, IW Nurjaya, Z Arifin, MFA Ismail
CMU J. Nat. Sci 21 (3), e2022044, 2022
The spatial current structure in the Indonesian Seas in November 2014, during The Expedition of Widya Nusantara (EWIN)
A Purwandana, D Surinati, A Bayhaqi, MFA Ismail, MR Iskandar, ...
OLDI (Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia) 5 (3), 161-170, 2020
Perambatan Gelombang dan Arus Residu Pasang Surut Teluk Mayalibit: Model Hidrodinamika Pasang Surut 2D
AS Budiman, AF Koropitan, IW Nurjaya
Jurnal ilmu dan teknologi kelautan tropis 7 (1), 157-172, 2015
Observations of barrier layer seasonal variation in the Banda Sea
MFA Ismail, J Karstensen, A Sulaiman, B Priyono, A Budiman, A Basit, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 129 (6), e2023JC020829, 2024
Moored observations of the currents and transports of the Maluku sea
X Yin, D Yuan, X Li, Z Wang, Y Li, C Corvianawatie, AK Wardana, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 53 (1), 3-18, 2023
Physical forces driving chlorophyll-a variability in the South Java Sea Shelf: a spatio-temporal analysis
AS Budiman, DG Bengen, Z Arifin, IW Nurjaya, MFA Ismail
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 890 (1), 012001, 2021
Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change: A Case Study of Coastal Inundation at Proboliunggo, East-Java
SA Supriyadi IH
Journal of Coastal Zone Management 18 (Issue I), 1-8, 2015
Hyrodynamics Model of Tidal Current in Mayalibit Bay, Raja Ampat Province of West Papua
AS Budiman, AF Koropitan, IW Nurjaya
Journal of Marine, Coastal and Fisheries Sciences 3 (2), 146-156, 2014
Matlab sebagai Pengolah Data Kelautan
AS Budiman
Oseana 37 (1), 39-51, 2012
Cross-shelf transport of high chlorophyll-a coastal waters by frontal eddies in the south of Java sea
MFA Ismail, AS Budiman, A Basit, E Yulihastin, I Sofiati, S Mujiasih
Kuwait Journal of Science 51 (4), 100253, 2024
The Variability of Upper-Ocean Salinity in the Eastern Inflow Region of ITF
D Surinati, C Corvianawatie, E Kusmanto, AS Budiman, A Bayhaqi, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 789 (1), 012001, 2021
Temperature variability and its governing mechanisms within the Jailolo Strait, Indonesia
A Basit, RB Hatmaja, S Nurfitri, MF Azis, AS Budiman, B Setiadi, ...
Kuwait Journal of Science, 100384, 2025
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Articles 1–20