Diane Mollenkopf
Diane Mollenkopf
Professor of Supply Chain Management
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Green, lean, and global supply chains
D Mollenkopf, H Stolze, WL Tate, M Ueltschy
International journal of physical distribution & logistics management 40 (1 …, 2010
Remanufacturing for the circular economy: An examination of consumer switching behavior
BT Hazen, DA Mollenkopf, Y Wang
Business Strategy and the Environment 26 (4), 451-464, 2017
Creating value through returns management: Exploring the marketing–operations interface
DA Mollenkopf, R Frankel, I Russo
Journal of Operations Management 29 (5), 391-403, 2011
A transformative supply chain response to COVID-19
DA Mollenkopf, LK Ozanne, HJ Stolze
Journal of Service Management 32 (2), 190-202, 2021
Managing internet product returns: a focus on effective service operations
DA Mollenkopf, E Rabinovich, TM Laseter, KK Boyer
Decision sciences 38 (2), 215-250, 2007
The impact of strategic organizational orientations on green supply chain management and firm performance
JF Kirchoff, WL Tate, DA Mollenkopf
International journal of physical distribution & logistics management 46 (3 …, 2016
The returns management process in supply chain strategy
D Mollenkopf, I Russo, R Frankel
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 37 (7 …, 2007
Leveraging closed‐loop orientation and leadership for environmental sustainability
C Clifford Defee, T Esper, D Mollenkopf
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 14 (2), 87-98, 2009
The hidden value in reverse logistics
DA Mollenkopf, DJ Closs
The integration of marketing and logistics functions: an empirical examination of New Zealand firms
D Mollenkopf, A Gibson, L Ozanne
Journal of Business Logistics 21 (2), 89, 2000
New frontiers in logistics research: theorizing at the middle range
TP Stank, DA Pellathy, J In, DA Mollenkopf, JE Bell
Journal of Business Logistics 38 (1), 6-17, 2017
Assessing the viability of reusable packaging: a relative cost approach
D Mollenkopf, D Closs, D Twede, S Lee, G Burgess
Journal of Business Logistics 26 (1), 169-197, 2005
A global supply chain framework
DJ Closs, DA Mollenkopf
Industrial marketing management 33 (1), 37-44, 2004
SMEs navigating COVID-19: The influence of social capital and dynamic capabilities on organizational resilience
LK Ozanne, M Chowdhury, G Prayag, DA Mollenkopf
Industrial Marketing Management 104, 116-135, 2022
Natural resource scarcity and the closed‐loop supply chain: a resource‐advantage view
JE Bell, DA Mollenkopf, HJ Stolze
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 43 (5 …, 2013
Supply chain integrity: A key to sustainable supply chain management
VE Castillo, DA Mollenkopf, JE Bell, H Bozdogan
Journal of Business Logistics 39 (1), 38-56, 2018
An investigation of marketing problems across service typologies
M Clemes, D Mollenkopf, D Burn
Journal of services Marketing 14 (7), 573-594, 2000
Consumer value considerations and adoption of remanufactured products in closed-loop supply chains
Y Wang, BT Hazen, DA Mollenkopf
Industrial Management & Data Systems 118 (2), 480-498, 2018
A natural resource scarcity typology: theoretical foundations and strategic implications for supply chain management
JE Bell, CW Autry, DA Mollenkopf, LDM Thornton
Journal of Business Logistics 33 (2), 158-166, 2012
Cross‐functional integration revisited: Exploring the conceptual elephant
R Frankel, DA Mollenkopf
Journal of Business Logistics 36 (1), 18-24, 2015
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Articles 1–20