Houman Jamshidi Monfared
Houman Jamshidi Monfared
PhD Student of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
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Cited by
A hybrid price-based demand response program for the residential micro-grid
HJ Monfared, A Ghasemi, A Loni, M Marzband
Energy 185, 274-285, 2019
CVaR-based retail electricity pricing in day-ahead scheduling of microgrids
A Ghasemi, HJ Monfared, A Loni, M Marzband
Energy 227, 120529, 2021
Retail electricity pricing based on the value of electricity for consumers
HJ Monfared, A Ghasemi
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 18, 100205, 2019
CVaR-based retail electricity pricing in day-ahead scheduling of microgrids [J]
G Ahmad, JM Houman, L Abdolah, M Mousa
Energy 227, 120529, 2021
A Techno-Economic Analysis on Transformation of Traditional Distribution Networks into Smart Grids with the Aim of Resiliency Improvement: Case of Dezful Distribution Grid
H Jamshidi Monfared, A Ghasemi, G Ghadesi
The 6th Iranian Congress on Electrical & Computer Engineering with an …, 2019
A new retail electricity pricing scheme with purpose of demand response programs improvement considering renewable energy sources uncertainty
H Jamshidi Monfared, A Ghasemi
The 6th Annual Clean Energy Conference (ACEC2019). At: Shiraz university …, 2019
Transformation of traditional distribution networks into high-flexibility smart grids: A Techno-Economic analysis
A Ghasemi, H Jamshidi Monfared
A Technichal report for Khuzestan Province Distribution Grid Company (KPDGC), 2018
Retail electricity pricing with the aim of implementation of demand response programs in microgrids energy management
H Jamshidi Monfared
Jundi-Shapur University of Technology, Department of Electrical & Computer …, 2018
Investigating the effect of uncertainty of renewable energy units on total microgrid profit and consumers bills in retail electricity pricing by CVP measure
H Jamshidi Monfared, A Ghasemi
The 3rd International Conference of Electrical Engineering. At: University …, 2018
Comparison of modern retail electricity pricing methods in a residential smart grid with a PV power plant
H Jamshidi Monfared, A Ghasemi
The 2nd National Conference of Major Infrastructure of Electrical …, 2018
Coordinated operation of pumped-storage unit and irrigation system with wind generation in an agricultural microgrid
H Jamshidi Monfared, A Ghasemi
The 4th Conference of Optimizing Electrical Energy Consumption. At: Shahid …, 2018
Retail electricity pricing in smart grid environment
A Ghasemi, H Jamshidi Monfared
Jundi-Shapur University of Technology Publications. ISBN: 978-622-6106-04-7 …, 2018
Calculation the insulation life of oil transformers using winding current
H Jamshidi Monfared, M Jamshidi Monfared
The 1st National Conference of Modern Technologies in Electrical & Computer …, 2018
A Review on modern electricity pricing schemes in smart grids
H Jamshidi Monfared, A Ghasemi
The 2nd National Conference on Modern Research in Electrical and Computer …, 2017
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Articles 1–14