Mostafa Eskandari
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Cited by
Texture, local misorientation, grain boundary and recrystallization fraction in pipeline steels related to hydrogen induced cracking
MA Mohtadi-Bonab, M Eskandari, JA Szpunar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 620, 97-106, 2015
The mechanism of failure by hydrogen induced cracking in an acidic environment for API 5L X70 pipeline steel
MA Mohtadi-Bonab, JA Szpunar, R Basu, M Eskandari
International journal of hydrogen energy 40 (2), 1096-1107, 2015
Effect of strain-induced martensite on the formation of nanocrystalline 316L stainless steel after cold rolling and annealing
M Eskandari, A Najafizadeh, A Kermanpur
Materials Science and Engineering: A 519 (1-2), 46-50, 2009
Influence of mould design on the solidification of heavy forging ingots of low alloy steels by numerical simulation
A Kermanpur, M Eskandari, H Purmohamad, MA Soltani, R Shateri
Materials & design 31 (3), 1096-1104, 2010
An extensive study of hydrogen-induced cracking susceptibility in an API X60 sour service pipeline steel
MA Mohtadi-Bonab, M Eskandari, KMM Rahman, R Ouellet, JA Szpunar
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (7), 4185-4197, 2016
Potential application of nanocrystalline 301 austenitic stainless steel in lightweight vehicle structures
M Eskandari, A Najafizadeh, A Kermanpur, M Karimi
Materials & Design 30 (9), 3869-3872, 2009
Formation of nanocrystalline structure in 301 stainless steel produced by martensite treatment
M Eskandari, A Kermanpur, A Najafizadeh
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 40, 2241-2249, 2009
A focus on different factors affecting hydrogen induced cracking in oil and natural gas pipeline steel
MA Mohtadi-Bonab, M Eskandari
Engineering Failure Analysis 79, 351-360, 2017
The prediction of hot deformation behavior in Fe–21Mn–2.5 Si–1.5 Al transformation-twinning induced plasticity steel
A Marandi, A Zarei-Hanzaki, N Haghdadi, M Eskandari
Materials Science and Engineering: A 554, 72-78, 2012
Corrosion Inhibition of l-Methionine Amino Acid as a Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Stainless Steel in the H2SO4 Solution
M Yeganeh, I Khosravi-Bigdeli, M Eskandari, SR Alavi Zaree
Journal of Materials engineering and performance 29, 3983-3994, 2020
Microstructure, texture evolution and mechanical properties of X70 pipeline steel after different thermomechanical treatments
JI Omale, EG Ohaeri, AA Tiamiyu, M Eskandari, KM Mostafijur, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 703, 477-485, 2017
An investigation into the room temperature mechanical properties of nanocrystalline austenitic stainless steels
M Eskandari, A Zarei-Hanzaki, HR Abedi
Materials & Design 45, 674-681, 2013
Effect of martensite to austenite reversion on the formation of nano/submicron grained AISI 301 stainless steel
M Karimi, A Najafizadeh, A Kermanpur, M Eskandari
Materials characterization 60 (11), 1220-1223, 2009
Temperature dependence of plastic deformation mechanisms in a modified transformation-twinning induced plasticity steel
A Asghari, A Zarei-Hanzaki, M Eskandari
Materials Science and Engineering: A 579, 150-156, 2013
Corrosion behavior of 316L stainless steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) in an alkaline solution
MHS Karimi, M Yeganeh, SRA Zaree, M Eskandari
Optics & Laser Technology 138, 106918, 2021
Effect of different microstructural parameters on hydrogen induced cracking in an API X70 pipeline steel
MA Mohtadi-Bonab, M Eskandari, R Karimdadashi, JA Szpunar
Metals and Materials International 23, 726-735, 2017
Grain-orientation-dependent of γ–ε–α′ transformation and twinning in a super-high-strength, high ductility austenitic Mn-steel
M Eskandari, A Zarei-Hanzaki, MA Mohtadi-Bonab, Y Onuki, R Basu, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 674, 514-528, 2016
Evolution of the microstructure and texture of X70 pipeline steel during cold-rolling and annealing treatments
M Eskandari, MA Mohtadi-Bonab, JA Szpunar
Materials & Design 90, 618-627, 2016
Formation of nano-grained structure in a 301 stainless steel using a repetitive thermo-mechanical treatment
M Eskandari, A Kermanpur, A Najafizadeh
Materials Letters 63 (16), 1442-1444, 2009
Hydrogen-induced cracking assessment in pipeline steels through permeation and crystallographic texture measurements
MA Mohtadi-Bonab, R Karimdadashi, M Eskandari, JA Szpunar
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 25, 1781-1793, 2016
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Articles 1–20