Elke Brandes
Elke Brandes
Scientist at Thünen Institute of Rural Studies
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Cited by
Tracing carbon and oxygen isotope signals from newly assimilated sugars in the leaves to the tree‐ring archive
A Gessler, E Brandes, N Buchmann, G Helle, H Rennenberg, RL Barnard
Plant, Cell & Environment 32 (7), 780-795, 2009
Short‐term variation in the isotopic composition of organic matter allocated from the leaves to the stem of Pinus sylvestris: effects of photosynthetic and …
E Brandes, N Kodama, K Whittaker, C Weston, H Rennenberg, C Keitel, ...
Global Change Biology 12 (10), 1922-1939, 2006
Subfield profitability analysis reveals an economic case for cropland diversification
E Brandes, GS McNunn, LA Schulte, IJ Bonner, DJ Muth, BA Babcock, ...
Environmental Research Letters 11 (1), 014009, 2016
The oxygen isotope enrichment of leaf‐exported assimilates–does it always reflect lamina leaf water enrichment?
A Gessler, E Brandes, C Keitel, S Boda, ZE Kayler, A Granier, M Barbour, ...
New Phytologist 200 (1), 144-157, 2013
Assessing environmental and physiological controls over water relations in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand through analyses of stable isotope composition …
E Brandes, J Wenninger, P Koeniger, D Schindler, H Rennenberg, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 30 (1), 113-127, 2007
Agricultural application of microplastic-rich sewage sludge leads to further uncontrolled contamination
AS Tagg, E Brandes, F Fischer, D Fischer, J Brandt, M Labrenz
Science of the Total Environment 806, 150611, 2022
High-throughput analyses of microplastic samples using fourier transform infrared and raman spectrometry
J Brandt, L Bittrich, F Fischer, E Kanaki, A Tagg, R Lenz, M Labrenz, ...
Applied spectroscopy 74 (9), 1185-1197, 2020
Targeted subfield switchgrass integration could improve the farm economy, water quality, and bioenergy feedstock production
E Brandes, GS McNunn, LA Schulte, DJ Muth, A VanLoocke, EA Heaton
GCB Bioenergy 10 (3), 199-212, 2018
Identifying hot-spots for microplastic contamination in agricultural soils—a spatial modelling approach for Germany
E Brandes, M Henseler, P Kreins
Environmental Research Letters 16 (10), 104041, 2021
Impacts of summer water limitation on the carbon balance of a Scots pine forest in the southern upper Rhine plain
J Holst, R Barnard, E Brandes, N Buchmann, A Gessler, L Jaeger
agricultural and forest meteorology 148 (11), 1815-1826, 2008
Where can switchgrass production be more profitable than corn and soybean? An integrated subfield assessment in Iowa, USA
E Brandes, A Plastina, EA Heaton
GCB Bioenergy 10 (7), 473-488, 2018
Agent-based modeling of bioenergy crop adoption and farmer decision-making
S Huang, G Hu, C Chennault, L Su, E Brandes, E Heaton, L Schulte, ...
Energy 115, 1188-1201, 2016
Evaluation of Microalgae Biofuel Production Potential and Cultivation Sites Using Geographic Information Systems: A Review
B Sharma, E Brandes, A Khanchi, S Birrell, E Heaton, F Miguez
Bioenergy Research 8 (4), 1714-1734, 2015
Microplastics in agricultural soils: a new challenge not only for agro-environmental policy?
M Henseler, E Brandes, P Kreins
Water and nitrogen balance of trees in a dry stand
E Brandes
Albert-Ludwigs-Univ., Professur für Baumphysiologie, 2007
(Mikro-) Plastik im Boden
E Brandes, M Braun, MC Rillig, EF Leifheit, Z Steinmetz, P Fiener, ...
Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2020
Short-term variation in the isotope composition of organic matter allocated from the leaves to the stem of Pinus sylvestris: effects of photosynthetic and postphotosynthetic …
E Brandes
Glob Chang Biol 12, 1-18, 2006
Regionalisierte Quantifizierung der landwirtschaftlichen Flächenbilanzüberschüsse in Nordrhein-Westfalen
H Gömann, P Kreins, E Brandes, T Pfingsten
Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen (LANUV), 2021
Die Rolle der Landwirtschaft bei der (Mikro-) Plastik-Belastung in Böden und Oberflächengewässern
E Brandes
Mitt Umwetlchen Ökotox 4, 111-114, 2020
MOMENTUM-Weser: Modellierung von Mikroplastikeinträgen und Migrationspfaden im Einzugsgebiet der Weser
E Brandes
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2023
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Articles 1–20