Patrick Flood
Patrick Flood
Professor of Organisational Behaviour, Dublin City University
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Top management team diversity, group process, and strategic consensus
D Knight, CL Pearce, KG Smith, JD Olian, HP Sims, KA Smith, P Flood
Strategic management journal 20 (5), 445-465, 1999
Determinants of innovative work behaviour: Development and test of an integrated model
N Ramamoorthy, PC Flood, T Slattery, R Sardessai
Creativity and innovation management 14 (2), 142-150, 2005
The impact of diversity and equality management on firm performance: Beyond high performance work systems
C Armstrong, PC Flood, JP Guthrie, W Liu, S MacCurtain, T Mkamwa
Human Resource Management 49 (6), 977-998, 2010
Causes and consequences of psychological contracts among knowledge workers in the high technology and financial services industries
PC Flood, T Turner, N Ramamoorthy, J Pearson
International Journal of Human Resource Management 12 (7), 1152-1165, 2001
How do high performance work systems influence organizational innovation in professional service firms?
N Fu, PC Flood, J Bosak, T Morris, P O'Regan
Employee Relations 37 (2), 209-231, 2015
High performance work systems in Ireland: human resource and organizational outcomes
JP Guthrie, PC Flood, W Liu, S MacCurtain
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (1), 112-125, 2009
Promoting effective psychological contracts through leadership: The missing link between HR strategy and performance
AM McDermott, E Conway, DM Rousseau, PC Flood
Human Resource Management 52 (2), 289-310, 2013
An exploration of the relationships between the adoption of managerial competencies, organisational characteristics, human resource sophistication and performance in Irish …
MM Heffernan, PC Flood
Journal of European Industrial Training 24 (2/3/4), 128-136, 2000
The role of human capital philosophy in promoting firm innovativeness and performance: Test of a causal model
TT Selvarajan, N Ramamoorthy, PC Flood, JP Guthrie, S MacCurtain, ...
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 18 (8), 1456-1470, 2007
Chief executive leadership style, consensus decision making, and top management team effectiveness
PC Flood, E Hannan, KG Smith, T Turner, MA West, J Dawson
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 9 (3), 401-420, 2000
High‐Performance work systems in professional service firms: Examining the practices‐resources‐uses‐performance linkage
N Fu, PC Flood, J Bosak, DM Rousseau, T Morris, P O'Regan
Human resource management 56 (2), 329-352, 2017
Individualism/collectivism, perceived task interdependence and teamwork attitudes among Irish blue-collar employees: a test of the main and moderating effects?
N Ramamoorthy, PC Flood
Human Relations 57 (3), 347-366, 2004
Understanding leader development: Learning from leaders
A McDermott, R Kidney, P Flood
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 32 (4), 358-378, 2011
Employee attitudes and behavioral intentions: A test of the main and moderating effects of individualism-collectivism orientations
N Ramamoorthy, PC Flood
Human Relations 55 (9), 1071-1096, 2002
Understanding how HR systems work: the role of HR philosophy and HR processes
K Monks, G Kelly, E Conway, P Flood, K Truss, E Hannon
Human resource management journal 23 (4), 379-395, 2013
Gender and employee attitudes: The role of organizational justice perceptions
N Ramamoorthy, PC Flood
British Journal of Management 15 (3), 247-258, 2004
The top management team, reflexivity, knowledge sharing and new product performance: A study of the Irish software industry
S MacCurtain, PC Flood, N Ramamoorthy, MA West, JF Dawson
Creativity and Innovation Management 19 (3), 219-232, 2010
Perceptions of high‐involvement work practices and burnout: the mediating role of job demands
S Kilroy, PC Flood, J Bosak, D Chênevert
Human Resource Management Journal 26 (4), 408-424, 2016
Perceptions of high‐involvement work practices, person‐organization fit, and burnout: a time‐lagged study of health care employees
S Kilroy, PC Flood, J Bosak, D Chênevert
Human Resource Management 56 (5), 821-835, 2017
Individualism–collectivism orientation and employee attitudes: A comparison of employees from the high-technology sector in India and Ireland
N Ramamoorthy, SP Kulkarni, A Gupta, PC Flood
Journal of International Management 13 (2), 187-203, 2007
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Articles 1–20