Jingwei Liu
Jingwei Liu
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Cited by
Effects of dietary glutamine on survival, growth performance, activities of digestive enzyme, antioxidant status and hypoxia stress resistance of half-smooth tongue sole …
J Liu, K Mai, W Xu, Y Zhang, H Zhou, Q Ai
Aquaculture 446, 48-56, 2015
Exposure to an acute hypoxic stimulus during early life affects the expression of glucose metabolism-related genes at first-feeding in trout
J Liu, E Plagnes-Juan, I Geurden, S Panserat, L Marandel
Scientific reports 7 (1), 363, 2017
Evolutionary history of DNA methylation related genes in chordates: new insights from multiple whole genome duplications
J Liu, H Hu, S Panserat, L Marandel
Scientific reports 10 (1), 970, 2020
Long-term programming effect of embryonic hypoxia exposure and high-carbohydrate diet at first feeding on glucose metabolism in juvenile rainbow trout
J Liu, K Dias, E Plagnes-Juan, V Veron, S Panserat, L Marandel
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (20), 3686-3694, 2017
DNA methylation of the promoter region of bnip3 and bnip3l genes induced by metabolic programming
V Veron, L Marandel, J Liu, EJ Vélez, O Lepais, S Panserat, S Skiba, ...
BMC genomics 19, 1-14, 2018
Exploring the impact of a low-protein high-carbohydrate diet in mature broodstock of a glucose-intolerant teleost, the rainbow trout
T Callet, H Hu, L Larroquet, A Surget, J Liu, E Plagnes-Juan, P Maunas, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 11, 303, 2020
Pck-ing up steam: Widening the salmonid gluconeogenic gene duplication trail
L Marandel, DJ Kostyniuk, C Best, JLI Forbes, J Liu, S Panserat, ...
Gene 698, 129-140, 2019
HIV Protein Tat Induces Macrophage Dysfunction and Atherosclerosis Development in Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor–Deficient Mice
Z Meng, R Hernandez, J Liu, T Gwag, W Lu, TK Hsiai, M Kaul, T Zhou, ...
Cardiovascular drugs and therapy, 1-15, 2022
Programming of the glucose metabolism in rainbow trout juveniles after chronic hypoxia at hatching stage combined with a high dietary carbohydrate: protein ratios intake at …
H Hu, J Liu, E Plagnes-Juan, A Herman, I Leguen, L Goardon, I Geurden, ...
Aquaculture 488, 1-8, 2018
Hepatic global DNA hypomethylation phenotype in rainbow trout fed diets varying in carbohydrate to protein ratio
J Liu, C Heraud, V Véron, J Laithier, C Burel, A Prézelin, S Panserat, ...
The Journal of Nutrition 152 (1), 29-39, 2022
Evolutionary history of DNA methylation related genes in chordates: new insights from multiple whole genome duplications. Sci Rep. 2020; 10 (1): 970
J Liu, H Hu, S Panserat, L Marandel
Pck-ing up steam: widening the salmonid gluconeogenic gene duplication trail
D Kostyniuk, L Marandel, C Best, J Forbes, J Liu, S Panserat, ...
10. International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry …, 2019
Etude de la variabilité génétique de la méthylation de l'ADN en réponse à un stress de température précoce chez la truite arc-en-ciel
D Lallias, A Fricot, J Liu, L Marandel, N Dechamp, C Ciobotaru, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: INRAE …, 2019
Approches complémentaires de l'étude de la méthylation des cytosines de l'ADN. Application au génome de la truite: LuMA vs LC-UV vs ELISA
C Héraud, J Liu, V Veron, S Panserat, L Marandel
5. Journée d'Animation Scientifique du réseau épiPhase, 35 p., 2019
Consequences on Gametogenesis and Reproduction Performances of a High Carbohydrate Nutrition During the Whole Reproductive Cycle of Male and Female Trout
L Marandel, H Hu, J Liu, J Mennigen, J Bobe, G Corraze, C Burel, ...
The FASEB Journal 33 (S1), 591.1-591.1, 2019
Phénotype de faible utilisation des glucides alimentaires chez la truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss): ses conséquences épigénétiques et sa modulation métabolique via une …
J Liu, S Panserat, L Marandel
Expression patterns of DNA methyltransferase genes during gametogenesis and early development in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
J Liu, H Hu, S Panserat, L Marandel
World Aquaculture 2018, 848 p., 2018
Régulations épigénétiques induites par les nutriments chez la truite: modulation et conséquences
L Marandel, J Liu, J Bobe, JL Soengas, J Mennigen, S Panserat, ...
An acute hypoxic exposure during early life affects the MRNA level of glucose metabolism-related genes at first-feeding in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
J Liu, E Plagnes-Juan, I Geurden, S Panserat, L Marandel
Aquaculture Europe 2017, np, 2017
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Articles 1–19