Yasaman Rafat
Yasaman Rafat
Associate Professor
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Cited by
Orthography-induced transfer in the production of English-speaking learners of Spanish
Y Rafat
The Language Learning Journal 44 (2), 197-213, 2016
The interaction of acoustic and orthographic input in the acquisition of Spanish assibilated/fricative rhotics
Y Rafat
Applied Psycholinguistics 36 (1), 43-66, 2015
Orthography-induced transfer in the production of novice adult English-speaking learners of Spanish
Y Rafat
Geminate attrition across three generations of Farsi-English bilinguals living in Canada: An acoustic study
Y Rafat, M Mohaghegh, R Stevenson
Ilha do Desterro 70, 151-168, 2017
A socio-phonetic investigation of rhotics in Persian
Y Rafat
Iranian studies 43 (5), 667-682, 2010
Auditory-orthographic integration at the onset of L2 speech acquisition
Y Rafat, RA Stevenson
Language and speech 62 (3), 427-451, 2019
Geminate attrition in the speech of Arabic–English bilinguals living in Canada. Heritage Languages, 17(1), 1-37.
A Alkhuddidi, RA Stevenson, Y Rafat
Heritage Language Journal 17 (1), 1-37, 2020
The acquisition of allophonic variation in Spanish as a second language
Y Rafat
Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Vancouver, BC, 2008
Navigating orthographic issues in the teaching of Spanish pronunciation
Y Rafat, SJ Perry
Key Issues in the Teaching of Spanish Pronunciation, 237-253, 2019
Second dialect and second language imitation of geminates by Colombian Spanish speakers
D Cordero, E Ruiz-Peña, E Sierra, R Stevenson, Y Rafat
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual …, 2017
Las consonantes róticas en el español argentino
L Colantoni, Y Rafat
Perspectivas teóricas y experimentales sobre el español de la Argentina …, 2013
English interdental fricative production in Dutch heritage speakers living in Canada
S Cornwell, Y Rafat
Ilha do Desterro 70 (3), 95-115, 2017
Intonation Patterns in Argentinean-and Venezuelan-Canadian Heritage Speakers of Spanish: Investigating Parental and English Influences
J Aziz, VM Araujo, N Swiderski, C Valdivia, R Stevenson, Y Rafat, R Rao
Spanish as a Heritage Language 2 (1), 60–90-60–90, 2022
Language dominance modulates the perception of Spanish approximants in late bilinguals
M Black, MF Joanisse, Y Rafat
Languages 5 (1), 7, 2020
10. The Acquisition of Second Dialect Speech: An Acoustic Examination of the Production of Ecuadorian Spanish Assibilated Rhotics by Andalusian Speakers of Spanish. Phonology …
E Ruíz-Peña, D Sevilla, Y Rafat
Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 286-315 Jan 2018. ISBN …, 2018
First-language-specific orthographic effects in second-language speech
Y Rafat, V Whitford, MF Joanisse, N Swiderski, S Cornwell, M Mohaghegh, ...
Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 3 (1), 102-122, 2021
Second dialect imitation: The production of Ecuadorian Spanish assibilated rhotics by Andalusian speakers of Spanish
E Ruiz-Peña, D Sevilla, Y Rafat
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual …, 2015
Orthography-induced transfer in the production of adult novice English speaking learners of Spanish
Y Rafat
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, 2011
Domain-specific and domain-general processing accounts in children with specific language impairment (SLI): Contribution of cross-linguistic evidence
A Balilah, Y Rafat, L Archibald
English language teaching research in the Middle East and North Africa …, 2019
Towards modeling second dialect speech learning: The production of bogota [s] in ciudad bolivar by speakers of three different varieties of Colombian Spanish
C Gómez, J Tennant, Y Rafat
Languages 5 (2), 15, 2020
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Articles 1–20