Articles with public access mandates - Appeaning Addo KwasiLearn more
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Assessment of short-term beach sediment change in the Volta Delta coast in Ghana using data from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drone)
PN Jayson-Quashigah, KA Addo, B Amisigo, G Wiafe
Ocean & Coastal Management 182, 104952, 2019
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
Sociodemographic and geophysical determinants of household vulnerability to coastal hazards in the Volta Delta, Ghana
DY Atiglo, M Abu, PN Jayson-Quashigah, KA Addo, SNA Codjoe
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 78, 103146, 2022
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
Wave dynamics and shoreline evolution in deltas: A case study of sandy coasts in the Volta delta of Ghana
PN Jayson-Quashigah, K Appeaning Addo, G Wiafe, BA Amisigo, ...
Interpretation 9 (4), SH99-SH113, 2021
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
Coastal Sediments 2019: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference …, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research …
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The ability of societies to adapt to twenty-first-century sea-level rise
J Hinkel, JCJH Aerts, S Brown, JA Jiménez, D Lincke, RJ Nicholls, ...
Nature Climate Change 8 (7), 570-578, 2018
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research …
Shoreline resilience to individual storms and storm clusters on a meso-macrotidal barred beach
DB Angnuureng, R Almar, N Senechal, B Castelle, KA Addo, V Marieu, ...
Geomorphology 290, 265-276, 2017
Mandates: AXA Research Fund, France
What are the implications of sea-level rise for a 1.5, 2 and 3° C rise in global mean temperatures in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and other vulnerable deltas?
S Brown, RJ Nicholls, AN Lázár, DD Hornby, C Hill, S Hazra, ...
Regional Environmental Change 18, 1829-1842, 2018
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
Drone as a tool for coastal flood monitoring in the Volta Delta, Ghana
K Appeaning Addo, PN Jayson-Quashigah, SNA Codjoe, F Martey
Geoenvironmental Disasters 5 (1), 1-13, 2018
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
A biophysical and socioeconomic review of the Volta Delta, Ghana
KA Addo, RJ Nicholls, SNA Codjoe, M Abu
Journal of Coastal Research 34 (5), 1216-1226, 2018
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
Modeling future flows of the Volta River system: Impacts of climate change and socio-economic changes
L Jin, PG Whitehead, KA Addo, B Amisigo, I Macadam, T Janes, ...
Science of the Total Environment 637, 1069-1080, 2018
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
Seroprevalence of Q fever in cattle, sheep and goats in the Volta region of Ghana
SAM Johnson, JB Kaneene, K Asare‐Dompreh, W Tasiame, IG Mensah, ...
Veterinary medicine and science 5 (3), 402-411, 2019
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Physical drivers of pelagic sargassum bloom interannual variability in the Central West Atlantic over 2010–2020
N Skliris, R Marsh, K Appeaning Addo, H Oxenford
Ocean Dynamics 72 (6), 383-404, 2022
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Assessment of the dynamics of the Volta river estuary shorelines in Ghana
K Appeaning Addo, EK Brempong, PN Jayson-Quashigah
Geoenvironmental Disasters 7 (1), 19, 2020
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
Seasonal predictions of holopelagic Sargassum across the tropical Atlantic accounting for uncertainty in drivers and processes: the SARTRAC ensemble forecast system
R Marsh, KA Addo, PN Jayson-Quashigah, HA Oxenford, A Maxam, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 722524, 2021
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council, European Commission
Angry waves that eat the coast: An economic analysis of nature-based and engineering solutions to coastal erosion
LC Hagedoorn, KA Addo, MJ Koetse, K Kinney, PJH van Beukering
Ocean & Coastal Management 214, 105945, 2021
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Global survey shows planners use widely varying sea-level rise projections for coastal adaptation
D Hirschfeld, D Behar, RJ Nicholls, N Cahill, T James, BP Horton, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 102, 2023
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland, European Commission, National Research …
Identifying ecosystem-based alternatives for the design of a seaport’s marine infrastructure: The case of Tema port expansion in Ghana
WP de Boer, JH Slinger, AK wa Kangeri, HSI Vreugdenhil, P Taneja, ...
Sustainability 11 (23), 6633, 2019
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Science and policy lessons learned from a decade of adaptation to the emergent risk of sargassum proliferation across the tropical Atlantic
VD Almela, KA Addo, J Corbett, J Cumberbatch, J Dash, R Marsh, ...
Environmental Research Communications 5 (6), 061002, 2023
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Two and three-dimensional shoreline behaviour at a MESO-MACROTIDAL barred beach
DB Angnuureng, R Almar, N Senechal, B Castelle, K Appeaning Addo, ...
Journal of coastal conservation 21, 381-392, 2017
Mandates: AXA Research Fund, France
Enhancing satellite oceanography-driven research in West Africa: A case study of capacity development in an underserved region
ES Nyadjro, BK Arbic, CE Buckingham, PE Martin, E Mahu, JK Ansong, ...
Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences, 1-13, 2021
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
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