Joachim Krueger
Joachim Krueger
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Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness, or healthier lifestyles?
RF Baumeister, JD Campbell, JI Krueger, KD Vohs
Psychological science in the public interest 4 (1), 1-44, 2003
The bystander-effect: a meta-analytic review on bystander intervention in dangerous and non-dangerous emergencies.
P Fischer, JI Krueger, T Greitemeyer, C Vogrincic, A Kastenmüller, D Frey, ...
Psychological bulletin 137 (4), 517, 2011
Social projection to ingroups and outgroups: A review and meta-analysis
JM Robbins, JI Krueger
Personality and social psychology review 9 (1), 32-47, 2005
The truly false consensus effect: an ineradicable and egocentric bias in social perception.
J Krueger, RW Clement
Journal of personality and social psychology 67 (4), 596, 1994
Towards a balanced social psychology: Causes, consequences, and cures for the problem-seeking approach to social behavior and cognition
JI Krueger, DC Funder
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3), 313-327, 2004
On the perception of social consensus
J Krueger
Advances in experimental social psychology 30, 163-240, 1998
Exploding the self-esteem myth
RF Baumeister, JD Campbell, JI Krueger, KD Vohs
Scientific American 292 (1), 84-91, 2005
Unskilled, unaware, or both? The better-than-average heuristic and statistical regression predict errors in estimates of own performance.
J Krueger, RA Mueller
Journal of personality and social psychology 82 (2), 180, 2002
Developmental expectations for the self and most other people: Age grading in three functions of social comparison.
J Heckhausen, J Krueger
Developmental psychology 29 (3), 539, 1993
Use of categorical and individuating information in making inferences about personality.
J Krueger, M Rothbart
Journal of personality and social psychology 55 (2), 187, 1988
Personal beliefs and cultural stereotypes about racial characteristics.
J Krueger
Journal of personality and Social Psychology 71 (3), 536, 1996
Enhancement bias in descriptions of self and others
J Krueger
Personality and social psychology bulletin 24 (5), 505-516, 1998
Null hypothesis significance testing: On the survival of a flawed method.
J Krueger
American Psychologist 56 (1), 16, 2001
From social projection to social behaviour
JI Krueger
European review of social psychology 18 (1), 1-35, 2008
Social categorization moderates social projection
RW Clement, J Krueger
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 38 (3), 219-231, 2002
The psychology (and economics) of trust
AM Evans, JI Krueger
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 3 (6), 1003-1017, 2009
The projective perception of the social world: A building block of social comparison processes
J Krueger
Handbook of social comparison: Theory and research, 323-351, 2000
The long way from α-error control to validity proper: Problems with a short-sighted false-positive debate
K Fiedler, F Kutzner, JI Krueger
Perspectives on Psychological Science 7 (6), 661-669, 2012
Misinformation, disinformation, and violent conflict: From Iraq and the “War on Terror” to future threats to peace.
S Lewandowsky, WGK Stritzke, AM Freund, K Oberauer, JI Krueger
American psychologist 68 (7), 487, 2013
Two egocentric sources of the decision to vote: The voter's illusion and the belief in personal relevance
M Acevedo, JI Krueger
Political Psychology 25 (1), 115-134, 2004
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Articles 1–20