Zsolt Bálint
Zsolt Bálint
Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum - Hungarian Natural History Museum
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Role of photonic-crystal-type structures in the thermal regulation of a Lycaenid butterfly sister species pair.
VJP Biró LP1, Bálint Z, Kertész K, Vértesy Z, Márk GI, Horváth ZE, Balázs J ...
Physical Review E 67 (2), 021197, 2003
Gleaming and dull surface textures from photonic-crystal-type nanostructures in the butterfly Cyanophrys remus
K Kertész, Z Bálint, Z Vértesy, GI Márk, V Lousse, JP Vigneron, M Rassart, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (2 …, 2006
Phylogeny and palaeoecology of Polyommatus blue butterflies show Beringia was a climate-regulated gateway to the New World
R Vila, CD Bell, R Macniven, B Goldman-Huertas, RH Ree, CR Marshall, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1719), 2737-2744, 2011
Living photonic crystals: butterfly scales—nanostructure and optical properties
LP Biró, K Kertész, Z Vértesy, GI Márk, Z Bálint, V Lousse, JP Vigneron
Materials Science and Engineering: C 27 (5-8), 941-946, 2007
The well-tuned blues: the role of structural colours as optical signals in the species recognition of a local butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatinae)
Z Bálint, K Kertész, G Piszter, Z Vértesy, LP Biró
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 9 (73), 1745-1756, 2012
Reformation of the Polyommatus section with a taxonomic and biogeographic overview:(Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Polyommatini)
Z Bálint, K Johnson
Eitschberger, 1997
Multiscaled polarization effects in Suneve coronata (Lepidoptera) and other insects: Application to anti-counterfeiting of banknotes
S Berthier, J Boulenguez, Z Bálint
Applied Physics A 86(1):123-130 · 86 (1), 123-130, 2007
Photonic nanoarchitectures occurring in butterfly scales as selective gas/vapor sensors
LP Biró, K Kertész, Z Vértesy, Z Bálint
The Nature of Light: Light in Nature II 7057, 44-51, 2008
Wing scale microstructures and nanostructures in butterflies− natural photonic crystals
Z Vértesy, Z Bálint, K Kertész, JP Vigneron, V Lousse, LP Biró
Journal of Microscopy 224 (1), 108-110, 2006
Correlated diffraction and fluorescence in the backscattering iridescence of the male butterfly Troides magellanus (Papilionidae)
JP Vigneron, K Kertész, Z Vértesy, M Rassart, V Lousse, Z Bálint, LP Biró
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (2 …, 2008
The butterflies of Mongolia
VV Tshikolovets, RV Yakovlev, Z Bálint
Tshikolovets Press, 2009
Photonic crystal type structures of biological origin: structural and spectral characterization
K Kertész, Z Bálint, Z Vértesy, GI Márk, V Lousse, JP Vigneron, LP Biró
Current Applied Physics 6 (2), 252-258, 2006
Photonic band gap materials in butterfly scales: A possible source of “blueprints”
K Kertész, G Molnár, Z Vértesy, AA Koós, ZE Horváth, GI Márk, L Tapasztó, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 149 (3), 259-265, 2008
Order-disorder effects in structure and color relation of photonic-crystal-type nanostructures in butterfly wing scales
GI Márk, Z Vértesy, K Kertész, Z Bálint, LP Biró
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009
Magyarország védett pillangóalakú lepkéinek katalógusa: a Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum gyűjteménye alapján
Z Bálint, A Gubányi, G Pitter
Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, 2006
Annotated List of Type Specimens of Polyommatus Sensu Eliot of the Natural History Museum, London:(Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)
Z Bálint
Eitschberger, 1999
Use of genetic, climatic, and microbiological data to inform reintroduction of a regionally extinct butterfly
V Dincă, Z Bálint, R Vodă, L Dapporto, PDN Hebert, R Vila
Conservation Biology 32 (4), 828-837, 2018
Changes in structural and pigmentary colours in response to cold stress in Polyommatus icarus butterflies.
K Kertész, G Piszter, ZE Horváth, Z Bálint, LP Biró
Scientific Reports 7 (1118), 1-12, 2017
Variability of the structural coloration in two butterfly species with different prezygotic mating strategies
G Piszter, K Kertész, Z Bálint, LP Biró
PLoS One 11 (11), e0165857, 2016
Color change of Blue butterfly wing scales in an air–Vapor ambient
K Kertész, G Piszter, E Jakab, Z Bálint, Z Vértesy, LP Biró
Applied surface science 281, 49-53, 2013
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Articles 1–20