Vasso Ioannidou
Vasso Ioannidou
Bayes Business School & CEPR
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Monetary policy, risk-taking, and pricing: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
V Ioannidou, S Ongena, JL Peydró
Review of Finance 19 (1), 95-144, 2014
“Time for a change”: loan conditions and bank behavior when firms switch banks
V Ioannidou, S Ongena
The Journal of Finance 65 (5), 1847-1877, 2010
Tests of ex ante versus ex post theories of collateral using private and public information
AN Berger, WS Frame, V Ioannidou
Journal of Financial Economics 100 (1), 85-97, 2011
Deposit insurance and bank risk-taking: Evidence from internal loan ratings
VP Ioannidou, MF Penas
Journal of Financial Intermediation 19 (1), 95-115, 2010
Does monetary policy affect the central bank's role in bank supervision?
VP Ioannidou
Journal of Financial Intermediation 14 (1), 58-85, 2005
Foreigners vs. natives: Bank lending technologies and loan pricing
T Beck, V Ioannidou, L Schäfer
Management Science 64 (8), 3792-3820, 2018
The Impact of Explicit Deposit Insurance Discipline☆ on Market
V Ioannidou, J de Dreu
Panel Data Econometrics: Empirical Applications, 839, 2019
Reexamining the empirical relation between loan risk and collateral: The roles of collateral liquidity and types
AN Berger, WS Frame, V Ioannidou
Journal of Financial Intermediation 26 (1), 28-46, 2016
Collateral and asymmetric information in lending markets
V Ioannidou, N Pavanini, Y Peng
Journal of Financial Economics 144 (1), 93-121, 2022
On the nonexclusivity of loan contracts: An empirical investigation
H Degryse, V Ioannidou, E von Schedvin
Management Science 62 (12), 3510-3533, 2016
Determinants and valuation effects of the home bias in European banks’ sovereign debt portfolios
BL Horváth, H Huizinga, V Ioannidou
Available at SSRN 2624906, 2015
Do high interest rates defend currencies during speculative attacks? New evidence
B Goderis, VP Ioannidou
Journal of International Economics 74 (1), 158-169, 2008
Banks as patient lenders: Evidence from a tax reform
E Carletti, F De Marco, V Ioannidou, E Sette
Journal of Financial Economics 141 (1), 6-26, 2021
How Do Laws and Institutions affect Recovery Rates on Collateral?
J Sturgess, H Degryse, V Ioannidou, J Liberti
Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2019
A first step towards a banking union
V Ioannidou
Banking Union for Europe 87, 2012
(Why) do central banks care about their profits?
I Goncharov, V Ioannidou, MC Schmalz
ECONtribute Discussion Paper, 2020
Stock prices and output growth: an examination of the credit channel
CT Carlstrom, TS Fuerst, VP Ioannidou
Economic Commentary, 2002
Bank-firm relationships: a review of the implications for firms and banks in normal and crisis times
H Degryse, V Ioannidou, S Ongena
The Economics of Interfirm Networks, 177-189, 2015
(In) Dependent Central Banks
V Ioannidou, S Kokas, T Lambert, A Michaelides
Available at SSRN 4262695, 2022
Intended and unintended consequences of government credit guarantee programmes
V Ioannidou, JM Liberti, T Mosk, J Sturgess
Finance and Investment: The European Case, 317-325, 2018
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Articles 1–20