Mary-Anne Nguyen
Mary-Anne Nguyen
Post Doc Research Associate, University of Tennessee
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Cited by
Hydrodynamic trapping for rapid assembly and in situ electrical characterization of droplet interface bilayer arrays
MA Nguyen, B Srijanto, CP Collier, ST Retterer, SA Sarles
Lab on a Chip 16 (18), 3576-3588, 2016
Electrophysiological interrogation of asymmetric droplet interface bilayers reveals surface-bound alamethicin induces lipid flip-flop
G Taylor, MA Nguyen, S Koner, E Freeman, CP Collier, SA Sarles
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1861 (1), 335-343, 2019
The Q-system as a synthetic transcriptional regulator in plants
R Persad, DN Reuter, LT Dice, MA Nguyen, SB Rigoulot, JS Layton, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 245, 2020
Building the plant SynBio toolbox through combinatorial analysis of DNA regulatory elements
AC Pfotenhauer, A Occhialini, MA Nguyen, H Scott, LT Dice, SA Harbison, ...
ACS synthetic biology 11 (8), 2741-2755, 2022
Supernova 2012cg in NGC 4424= Psn J12271283+ 0925132
M Kandrashoff, SB Cenko, W Li, AV Filippenko, G Cortini, JM Silverman, ...
Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams 3111, 1, 2012
Pressure-driven generation of complex microfluidic droplet networks
TM Schimel, MA Nguyen, SA Sarles, SC Lenaghan
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 25 (9), 78, 2021
Supernova 2012cg in NGC 4424= PSN J12271283+ 0925132.
SB Cenko, AV Filippenko, JM Silverman, A Gal-Yam, L Pei, M Nguyen, ...
Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams 3111, 2, 2012
Micro-Encapsulation and Tuning of Biomolecular Unit Cell Networks
MA Nguyen, SA Sarles
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 46155, V002T06A012, 2014
KAIT Discovery and Robotic Follow-up of a young SN Ia in NGC4424
SB Cenko, AV Filippenko, JM Silverman, M Kandrashoff, A Gal-Yam, ...
The Astronomer's Telegram 4115, 1, 2012
Microfluidic generation, encapsulation and characterization of asymmetric droplet interface bilayers
MA Nguyen, SA Sarles
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 50497, V002T06A002, 2016
High-Throughput Transfection and Analysis of Soybean (Glycine max) Protoplasts
A Occhialini, MA Nguyen, L Dice, AC Pfotenhauer, MS Sultana, ...
Protoplast Technology: Methods and Protocols, 245-259, 2022
Totipotent cellularly-inspired materials
SI Mattern-Schain, MA Nguyen, TM Schimel, J Manuel, J Maraj, D Leo, ...
Smart materials, adaptive structures and intelligent systems 59131, V001T06A016, 2019
A microfluidic assembly and simultaneous interrogation of networks of asymmetric biomimetic membranes
MA Nguyen, G Taylor, SA Sarles
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 58257, V001T06A014, 2017
Microfabrication for Packaged Biomolecular Unit Cells
MA Nguyen, A Sarles
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 56048, V002T06A006, 2013
High-Throughput Functional System for Encapsulated Networks of Model Cell Membranes
MAKA Nguyen
Interrogation of Bilayers in a Multi-Droplet Cluster for Membrane-Based Sensing
MA Nguyen, N Tamaddoni, SA Sarles
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 57304, V002T06A007, 2015
Development of a Bio-Inspired Hopping Leg for Lunar Exploration Rover
M Nguyen, E Salai, A Smith, A Barth, J Dong, O Ma
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 86670 …, 2022
G Taylor, MA Nguyen, S Koner, E Freeman, CP Collier, SA Sarles
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Articles 1–18