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Catharanthine and ajmalicine synthesis in Catharanthus roseus hairy root cultures: Medium optimization and elicitation
F Vázquez-Flota, O Moreno-Valenzuela, ML Miranda-Ham, ...
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 38, 273-279, 1994
A simple and efficient method for isolation of DNA in high mucilaginous plant tissues
I Echevarría-Machado, LA Sánchez-Cach, C Hernández-Zepeda, ...
Molecular Biotechnology 31, 129-135, 2005
Biosíntesis de los alcaloides indólicos: Una revisión crítica
VM Loyola-Vargas, P Sánchez-Iturbe, B Canto-Canché, ...
Revista de la Sociedad Química de México 48 (1), 67-94, 2004
Effect of differentiation on the regulation of indole alkaloid production in Catharanthus roseus hairy roots
OA Moreno-Valenzuela, RM Galaz-Avalos, Y Minero-García, ...
Plant Cell Reports 18, 99-104, 1998
Increase in the indole alkaloid production and its excretion into the culture medium by calcium antagonists inCatharanthus roseus hairy roots
OA Moreno-Valenzuela, Y Minero-García, W Chan, E Mayer-Geraldo, ...
Biotechnology Letters 25, 1345-1349, 2003
Analysis of a new strain of Euphorbia mosaic virus with distinct replication specificity unveils a lineage of begomoviruses with short Rep sequences in the DNA-B …
J Gregorio-Jorge, A Bernal-Alcocer, B Bañuelos-Hernández, ...
Virology Journal 7, 1-15, 2010
Effect of the medium pH on the release of secondary metabolites from roots ofDatura stramonium, Catharanthus roseus, andTagetes patula cultured in vitro
LA Saenz-Carbonell, IE Maldonado-Mendoza, O Moreno-Valenzula, ...
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 38, 257-267, 1993
Occurrence of Pepper Mild Mottle Virus (PMMoV) in Groundwater from a Karst Aquifer System in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
G Rosiles-González, G Ávila-Torres, OA Moreno-Valenzuela, ...
Food and Environmental Virology 9, 487-497, 2017
Resistencia sistémica inducida contra virus fitopatógenos mediada por la inoculación con la rizobacteria Bacillus spp.
BY Samaniego-Gámez, A Reyes-Ramírez, OA Moreno-Valenzuela, ...
Revista de Protección Vegetal 32 (1), 10-22, 2017
Molecular characterization and phylogenetic relationships of two new bipartite begomovirus infecting malvaceous plants in Yucatan, Mexico
C Hernández-Zepeda, AM Idris, G Carnevali, JK Brown, ...
Virus Genes 35, 369-377, 2007
Molecular characterization and experimental host range of Euphorbia mosaic virus‐Yucatan Peninsula, a begomovirus species in the Squash leaf curl virus clade
C Hernández‐Zepeda, AM Idris, G Carnevali, JK Brown, ...
Plant Pathology 56 (5), 763-770, 2007
Preliminary identification and coat protein gene phylogenetic relationships of begomoviruses associated with native flora and cultivated plants from the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico
C Hernández-Zepeda, AM Idris, G Carnevali, JK Brown, ...
Virus Genes 35, 825-833, 2007
Early diagnosis of a Mexican variant of Papaya meleira virus (PMeV-Mx) by RT-PCR
E Zamudio-Moreno, JH Ramirez-Prado, OA Moreno-Valenzuela, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research 14 (1), 1145-1154, 2015
Environmental surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater and groundwater in Quintana Roo, Mexico
G Rosiles-González, VH Carrillo-Jovel, L Alzate-Gaviria, WQ Betancourt, ...
Food and environmental virology 13 (4), 457-469, 2021
Extracellular accumulation of high specific-activity peroxidase by cell suspension cultures of cowpea
OAV Moreno, R Vazquez-Duhalt, H Nolasco
Plant Cell Reports 9 (3), 147-150, 1990
A novel effect for glycine on root system growth of habanero pepper
ÁV Domínguez-May, M Carrillo-Pech, FA Barredo-Pool, ...
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 138 (6), 433-442, 2013
A new virus-induced gene silencing vector based on Euphorbia mosaic virus-Yucatan peninsula for NPR1 silencing in Nicotiana benthamiana and Capsicum annuum var. Anaheim
HJ Villanueva-Alonzo, RY Us-Camas, LA López-Ochoa, D Robertson, ...
Biotechnology letters 35, 811-823, 2013
Characterization of Rhynchosia yellow mosaic Yucatan virus, a new recombinant begomovirus associated with two fabaceous weeds in Yucatan, Mexico
C Hernández-Zepeda, JK Brown, OA Moreno-Valenzuela, ...
Archives of virology 155, 1571-1579, 2010
Nutrient consumption and alkaloid accumulation in a hairy root line of Catharanthus roseus
O Moreno-Valenzuela, J Coello-Coello, VM Loyola-Vargas, ...
Biotechnology letters 21, 1017-1021, 1999
A lineage of begomoviruses encode Rep and AC4 proteins of enigmatic ancestry: Hints on the evolution of geminiviruses in the New World
SI Torres-Herrera, A Romero-Osorio, O Moreno-Valenzuela, ...
Viruses 11 (7), 644, 2019
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Articles 1–20