Teaching the critical role of designers in the data society: the DensityDesign approach M Mauri, G Colombo, A Briones, P Ciuccarelli Proceedings of DRS Learn X Design 2019: Insider Knowledge, 183-195, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Research protocol diagrams as didactic tools to act critically in dataset design processes M Mauri, MA Briones, B Gobbo, G Colombo INTED2020 Proceedings, 9034-9043, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
A taxonomy of data visualization projects for alternative narratives M Briones DESIGN INTERNATIONAL, 163-183, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Information Design for Supporting Collaborative Communities MÁ Briones The Design Journal 20 (Issue sup1: Design for Next), S3262-S3278, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Beyond visualization P Ciuccarelli, T Elli Reassembling the Republic of Letters in the Digital Age, 299-314, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Alternative narratives data visualization archive M Briones Rojas, M Mauri CUMULUS Conference Proceedings series 2, 3931-3944, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Disclose to Tell: a Data Design Framework for Alternative Narratives MÁ Briones Rojas Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 30 (5), 785-809, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Metaphors as Knowledge Activators in Data Visualizations: the case of the Archipelago of Calvino's literary works. T Elli, M Briones Rojas, B Gobbo, M Parigini, V Giustetto, V Cavalloro, ... CUMULUS CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS SERIES 2, 906-924, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Staging and storing data sprint-based research results: a communication design approach B Gobbo, MÁ Briones Rojas, E Aversa, T Elli, A Benedetti, M Mauri, ... Dígitos. Revista de Comunicación Digital 1 (8), 87, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Clustering to synthesize and scattering to reveal. Interactions and animations in the visualization of complex hierarchical data in Atlante Calvino T Elli, MDLA Briones Rojas, B Gobbo, M Mauri 2CO3 COmmunicating COmplexity, 186-194, 2024 | | 2024 |
Algorithmic you. Un design-setting per la riappropriazione dei dati personali attraverso narrazioni poetiche e rivisitando mo-delli di poesia visiva A Benedetti, MDELOSA BRIONES ROJAS, A Bellantuono Ocula 30, 262-286, 2024 | | 2024 |
Menzione d'onore Compasso d'Oro-Atlante Italo Calvino M Mauri, T Elli, A Briones, B Gobbo, F Serra, V Cavalloro, V Giustetto, ... ADI-Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, 2022 | | 2022 |
Making posters to understand statistics: Towards a didactical approach in communication design M Mauri, S Vantini, B Gobbo, T Elli, E Aversa, A Benedetti, ... DRS2022: Bilbao, 1-18, 2022 | | 2022 |
Visualizing Offshore Foreign Direct Investments: The Atlas of Offshore M Mauri, M Briones Rojas, J Gray, D Haberly, CW Anderson CUMULUS CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS SERIES 2, 1127-1143, 2021 | | 2021 |
Information Design for empowering citizen activism through the use of data as evidence MÁ Briones Cumulus Conference 2018: To get there. Paris, April 11-13, 764-787, 2018 | | 2018 |
Cumulus conference To get there: designing together hosted by CÉSAAP Conférence des écoles supérieures d'Arts appliqués de Paris in Paris, France on April 11–13, 2018. Á Briones Cumulus conference To get there: designing together hosted by CÉSAAP …, 2018 | | 2018 |
Más allá de la visualización: Diseñando experiencias con datos Entrevista con el profesor Paolo Ciuccarelli (DensityDesign Lab) M de los Angeles DISEÑA 10, 42-56, 2016 | | 2016 |
A visualization system based on Wikidata for supporting and monitoring the Wiki Loves Monuments Italian contest T Elli, A Benedetti, A Briones, M Mauri, D Crespi Wikidata and Research, 0 | | |
Algorithmic You. A Design Setting to Create Poetic Narratives with Personal Data A Benedetti, A Briones, A Bellantuono What is Infopoetry?, 23, 0 | | |
Till Nagel–Mannheim University of Applied Sciences tillnagel. com Maria Lantin–Emily Carr University Art+ Design marialantin. com Yoon Chung Han–San Jose State University D Ahmedien, Y Ahn, BA Aseniero, A Autuori, E Aversa, A Benedetti, ... | | |