Blanca Rios-Touma
Blanca Rios-Touma
Grupo de Investigación en Biodiversidad, Medio Ambiente y Salud, BIOMAS,Universidad de las Américas
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Propuesta de un protocolo de evaluación de la calidad ecológica de ríos andinos (CERA) y su aplicación a dos cuencas en Ecuador y Perú
R Acosta, B Ríos, M Rieradevall, N Prat
limnetica 28 (1), 035-64, 2009
Seasonality and predictability shape temporal species diversity
JD Tonkin, MT Bogan, N Bonada, B Rios‐Touma, DA Lytle
Ecology 98 (5), 1201-1216, 2017
SARS-CoV-2 in river water: Implications in low sanitation countries
L Guerrero-Latorre, I Ballesteros, I Villacrés-Granda, MG Granda, ...
Science of the Total environment 743, 140832, 2020
Los macroinvertebrados como indicadores de calidad de las aguas.
N Prat, B Ríos, R Acosta, M Rieradevall
The Andean Biotic Index (ABI): revised tolerance to pollution values for macroinvertebrate families and index performance evaluation
B Ríos-Touma, R Acosta, N Prat
Revista de biologia tropical 62, 249-273, 2014
The biological assessment and rehabilitation of the world’s rivers: an overview
MJ Feio, RM Hughes, M Callisto, SJ Nichols, ON Odume, BR Quintella, ...
Water 13 (3), 371, 2021
Tolerance values of benthic macroinvertebrates for stream biomonitoring: assessment of assumptions underlying scoring systems worldwide
FH Chang, JE Lawrence, B Rios-Touma, VH Resh
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 2135-2149, 2014
New mining concessions could severely decrease biodiversity and ecosystem services in Ecuador
BA Roy, M Zorrilla, L Endara, DC Thomas, R Vandegrift, JM Rubenstein, ...
Tropical Conservation Science 11, 1940082918780427, 2018
Evaluating stream restoration projects: what do we learn from monitoring?
Z Rubin, GM Kondolf, B Rios-Touma
Water 9 (3), 174, 2017
Order Trichoptera
RW Holzenthal, RE Thomson, B Ríos-Touma
Ecology and General Biology: Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates …, 2015
A global perspective on tropical montane rivers
AC Encalada, AS Flecker, NLR Poff, E Suárez, GA Herrera-R, ...
Science 365 (6458), 1124-1129, 2019
Macroinvertebrate assemblages of an Andean high‐altitude tropical stream: The importance of season and flow
B Ríos‐Touma, AC Encalada, N Prat Fornells
International review of hydrobiology 96 (6), 667-685, 2011
Urban stream renovation: incorporating societal objectives to achieve ecological improvements
RF Smith, RJ Hawley, MW Neale, GJ Vietz, E Diaz-Pascacio, J Herrmann, ...
Freshwater Science 35 (1), 364–379, 2016
Microplastics in tropical Andean rivers: A perspective from a highly populated Ecuadorian basin without wastewater treatment
JM Donoso, B Rios-Touma
Heliyon 6 (7), 2020
Multiple stressors in the Neotropical region: Environmental impacts in biodiversity hotspots
B Ríos-Touma, A Ramírez
Multiple stressors in river ecosystems, 205-220, 2019
Protocolo simplificado y guía de evaluación de la calidad ecológica de ríos andinos (CERA-S)
AC Encalada, M Rieradevall
Proyecto FUCARA, Quito, 2011
Quito's virome: Metagenomic analysis of viral diversity in urban streams of Ecuador's capital city
L Guerrero-Latorre, B Romero, E Bonifaz, N Timoneda, M Rusiñol, ...
Science of the Total Environment 645, 1334-1343, 2018
Current and future threats for ecological quality management of South American freshwater ecosystems
A Torremorell, C Hegoburu, AL Brandimarte, EHC Rodrigues, M Pompêo, ...
Inland Waters 11 (2), 125-140, 2021
Diversity and distribution of the Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) of Ecuador
B Ríos-Touma, RW Holzenthal, J Huisman, R Thomson, ...
PeerJ 5, e2851, 2017
Invertebrate drift and colonization processes in a tropical Andean stream
B Ríos-Touma, N Prat, AC Encalada
Aquatic Biology 14 (3), 233-246, 2012
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Articles 1–20