Richard D FitzGerald
Richard D FitzGerald
Research Coordinator, Carna Research Station, Ryan Institute, NUI Galway, Ireland
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Cited by
The interaction of temperature and salinity on growth and food conversion in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
AK Imsland, A Foss, S Gunnarsson, MHG Berntssen, R FitzGerald, ...
Aquaculture 198 (3-4), 353-367, 2001
Stocking density, growth and growth variation in juvenile turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Rafinesque)
S Irwin, J O'halloran, RD FitzGerald
Aquaculture 178 (1-2), 77-88, 1999
Macroalgae as a sustainable aquafeed ingredient
AHL Wan, SJ Davies, A Soler‐Vila, R Fitzgerald, MP Johnson
Reviews in Aquaculture 11 (3), 458-492, 2019
The effect of temperature on non-specific defence parameters of three strains of juvenile Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.)
AL Langston, R Hoare, M Stefansson, R Fitzgerald, H Wergeland, ...
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 12 (1), 61-76, 2002
Geographic variation in growth and food conversion efficiency of juvenile Atlantic halibut related to latitude
TM Jonassen, AK Imsland, R Fitzgerald, SW Bonga, EV Ham, G Naevdal, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 56 (2), 279-294, 2000
Microsatellite DNA variation in wild populations and farmed strains of turbot from Ireland and Norway: a preliminary study
JP Coughlan, AK Imsland, PT Galvin, RD Fitzgerald, G Naevdal, TF Cross
Journal of Fish Biology 52 (5), 916-922, 1998
The effect of dietary vitamin E and C level on market‐size turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) fillet quality
N Ruff, RD Fitzgerald, TF Cross, K Hamre, JP Kerry
Aquaculture Nutrition 9 (2), 91-103, 2003
A novel method of microsatellite genotyping-by-sequencing using individual combinatorial barcoding
S Vartia, JL Villanueva-Cañas, J Finarelli, ED Farrell, PC Collins, ...
Royal Society Open Science 3 (1), 150565, 2016
Stability of astaxanthin and canthaxanthin in raw and smoked atlantic salmon (< i> Salmo salar</i>) during frozen storage
EM Sheehan, TP O'connor, PJA Sheehy, DJ Buckley, R FitzGerald
Food chemistry 63 (3), 313-317, 1998
The inclusion of Palmaria palmata macroalgae in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) diets: effects on growth, haematology, immunity and liver function
AHL Wan, A Soler-Vila, D O’Keeffe, P Casburn, R Fitzgerald, MP Johnson
Journal of Applied Phycology 28, 3091-3100, 2016
Effect of dietary fat intake on the quality of raw and smoked salmon
EM Sheehan, TP O'connor, PJA Sheehy, DJ Buckley, R FitzGerald
Irish Journal of Agricultural and food research, 37-42, 1996
Age, growth and reproductive status of the European conger eel, Conger conger (L.) in Irish coastal waters
S O’Sullivan, C Moriarty, RD FitzGerald, J Davenport, MF Mulcahy
Fisheries Research 64 (1), 55-69, 2003
Potential novel habitat created by holdfasts from cultivated Laminaria digitata: assessing the macroinvertebrate assemblages
AM Walls, R Kennedy, RD Fitzgerald, AJ Blight, MP Johnson, ...
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8, 157-169, 2016
Environment affects stress in exercised turbot
EH Van Ham, RD Van Anholt, G Kruitwagen, AK Imsland, A Foss, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2003
The effect of different initial size distributions on the growth of Atlantic halibut
MÖ Stefánsson, AK Imsland, MD Jenssen, TM Jonassen, SO Stefansson, ...
Journal of fish biology 56 (4), 826-836, 2000
Fillet shelf‐life of Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus L. fed elevated levels of α‐tocopheryl acetate
N Ruff, RD FitzGerald, TF Cross, JP Kerry
Aquaculture Research 33 (13), 1059-1071, 2002
Slaughtering method and dietary α‐tocopheryl acetate supplementation affect rigor mortis and fillet shelf‐life of turbot Scophthalmus maximus L.
N Ruff, RD FitzGerald, TF Cross, G Teurtrie, JP Kerry
Aquaculture Research 33 (9), 703-714, 2002
The production and use of copepods in larval rearing of halibut, turbot and cod
JG Støttrup, R Shields, M Gillespie, MB Gara, JR Sargent, JG Bell, ...
Four polymorphic microsatellites in turbot Scophthalmus maximus.
J Coughlan, E McCarthy, D McGregor, P O'Donoghue, P Galvin, ...
Longitudinal evaluation of the impact of traditional rainbow trout farming on receiving water quality in Ireland
A Tahar, AM Kennedy, RD Fitzgerald, E Clifford, N Rowan
PeerJ 6, e5281, 2018
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Articles 1–20