Seyda Ozcaliskan
Seyda Ozcaliskan
Professor of Psychology, GSU
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Cited by
Gesture is at the cutting edge of early language development
Ş Özçalışkan, S Goldin-Meadow
Cognition 96 (3), B101-B113, 2005
Learning words by hand: Gesture's role in predicting vocabulary development
ML Rowe, Ş Özçalışkan, S Goldin-Meadow
First language 28 (2), 182-199, 2008
Learning how to search for the frog: Expression of manner of motion in English, Spanish, and Turkish
Ş Özçalışkan, DI Slobin
Proceedings of the 23rd annual Boston University conference on language …, 1999
Codability effects on the expression of manner of motion in Turkish and English
Ş Özçalışkan, DI Slobin
Studies in Turkish linguistics, 259-270, 2003
Sex differences in language first appear in gesture
Ş Özçalışkan, S Goldin‐Meadow
Developmental science 13 (5), 752-760, 2010
Early deictic but not other gestures predict later vocabulary in both typical development and autism
Ş Özçalışkan, LB Adamson, N Dimitrova
Autism 20 (6), 754-763, 2016
When gesture-speech combinations do and do not index linguistic change
Ş Özçalışkan, S Goldin-Meadow
Language and cognitive processes 24 (2), 190-217, 2009
Do parents lead their children by the hand?
Ş Özçalışkan, S Goldin-Meadow
Journal of child language 32 (03), 481-505, 2005
Do iconic gestures pave the way for children's early verbs?
Ş Özçalişkan, D Gentner, S Goldin-Meadow
Applied psycholinguistics 35 (6), 1143-1162, 2014
Is there an iconic gesture spurt at 26 months
Ş Özçalışkan, S Goldin-Meadow, G Stam, M Ishino
Integrating gestures: The interdisciplinary nature of gesture. Amsterdam, NL …, 2011
Metaphors We Move By: Children's Developing Understanding of Metaphorical Motion in Typologically Distinct Languages
Ş Özçalışkan
Metaphor and Symbol 22 (2), 147-168, 2007
On learning to draw the distinction between physical and metaphorical motion: is metaphor an early emerging cognitive and linguistic capacity?
Ş Özçalışkan
Journal of Child Language 32 (02), 291-318, 2005
Parents' Translations of Child Gesture Facilitate Word Learning in Children with Autism, Down Syndrome and Typical Development.
N Dimitrova, Ş Özçalışkan, LB Adamson
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 48 (2), 637-637, 2016
Typological variation in encoding the manner, path, and ground components of a metaphorical motion event
Ş Özçalışkan
Annual review of cognitive linguistics 2 (1), 73-102, 2004
Metaphorical motion in crosslinguistic perspective: A comparison of English and Turkish
Ş Özçalışkan
Metaphor and Symbol 18 (3), 189-228, 2003
Metaphor meets typology: Ways of moving metaphorically in English and Turkish
Ş Özçalışkan
Cognitive Linguistics 16 (1), 207-246, 2005
Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Psychology of Language: Research in the tradition of Dan Isaac Slobin
J Guo, E Lieven, N Budwig, S Ervin-Tripp, K Nakamura, Ş Özçalışkan
Psychology Press, 2009
Does language shape silent gesture?
Ş Özçalışkan, C Lucero, S Goldin-Meadow
Cognition 148, 10-18, 2016
Climb up vs. ascend climbing: Lexicalization choices in expressing motion events with manner and path components
Ş Özçalışkan, DI Slobin
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Boston University Conference on Language …, 2000
How early do children understand gesture-speech combinations with iconic gestures?
C Stanfield, RA Wiliamson, Özçalışkan, Şeyda
Journal of Child Language, 2014
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Articles 1–20