Atul Kumar Varma, M.Sc., M.Tech, Ph.D.
Atul Kumar Varma, M.Sc., M.Tech, Ph.D.
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Cited by
Remote sensing of precipitation over Indian land and oceanic regions by synergistic use of multisatellite sensors
A Mishra, RM Gairola, AK Varma, VK Agarwal
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D8), 2010
Assimilation of INSAT‐3D hydro‐estimator method retrieved rainfall for short‐range weather prediction
P Kumar, AK Varma
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 143 (702), 384-394, 2017
Improved rainfall estimation over the Indian region using satellite infrared technique
AK Mishra, RM Gairola, AK Varma, VK Agarwal
Advances in space research 48 (1), 49-55, 2011
Algorithms for retrieving geophysical parameters from the MADRAS and SAPHIR sensors of the Megha‐Tropiques satellite: Indian scenario
BS Gohil, RM Gairola, AK Mathur, AK Varma, C Mahesh, RK Gangwar, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 139 (673), 954-963, 2013
Geophysical parameter retrieval over global oceans from IRS-P4/MSMR
BS Gohil, AK Mathur, AK Varma
Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC-2000), 207-211, 2000
Subpixel‐scale variability of rainfall and its application to mitigate the beam‐filling problem
AK Varma, G Liu, YJ Noh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D18), 2004
Study of intense rainfall events over India using Kalpana-IR and TRMM-precipitation radar observations
A Mishra, RM Gairola, AK Varma, VK Agarwal
Current Science, 689-695, 2009
Small-scale horizontal rain-rate variability observed by satellite
AK Varma, G Liu
Monthly weather review 134 (10), 2722-2733, 2006
Rainfall retrieval over Indian land and oceanic regions from SSM/I microwave data
A Mishra, RM Gairola, AK Varma, A Sarkar, VK Agarwal
Advances in Space research 44 (7), 815-823, 2009
Measurement of Precipitation from Satellite Radiometers (Visible, Infrared, and Microwave): Physical Basis, Methods, and Limitations
AK Varma
Remote Sensing of Aerosols, Clouds, and Precipitation; Eds: Tanvir Ahmed, Y …, 2018
On classifying rain types using satellite microwave observations
AK Varma, G Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D7), 2010
Potential of simultaneous dual-frequency radar altimeter measurements from TOPEX/Poseidon for rainfall estimation over oceans
SM Bhandari, AK Varma
Remote sensing of environment 58 (1), 13-20, 1996
Estimation of large scale monthly rainfall over Indian region using minimal INSAT-VHRR data
SM Bhandari, AK Varma
International Journal of Remote Sensing 16 (11), 2023-2030, 1995
An algorithm for the precise location of the solar specular reflection point in the visible band images from geostationary meteorological satellites
WJ Prakash, AK Varma, SM Bhandari
Computers & Geosciences 20 (10), 1467-1482, 1994
An analysis of rainfall measurements over different spatio-temporal scales and potential implications for uncertainty in satellite data validation
DN Piyush, AK Varma, PK Pal, G Liu
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 90 (4), 439-448, 2012
Auto-correlation analysis of ocean surface wind vectors
A Sarkar, S Basu, AK Varma, J Kshatriya
Journal of Earth System Science 111, 297-303, 2002
Rain rate measurements over global oceans from IRS-P4 MSMR
AK Varma, RM Gairola, S Pokhrel, BS Gohil, AK Mathur, VK Agarwal
Journal of Earth System Science 111, 257-266, 2002
Use of TRMM Precipitation Radar to address the problem of rain detection over the oceans in passive microwave measurements
AK Varma, PK Pal
Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics 41, 411-420, 2012
Rainfall estimation using spaceborne microwave radar and radiometric measurements
RM Gairola, AK Varma, VK Agarwal
Mausam 54 (1), 89-106, 2003
Combined use of microwave and IR data for the study of Indian monsoon rainfall-2009
S Prakash, C Mahesh, A Mishra, RM Gairola, AK Varma, PK Pal
ISPRS archives 38 (8), W3, 2009
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Articles 1–20