Post Christopher
Post Christopher
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Cited by
Geospatial analysis of land use change in the Savannah River Basin using Google Earth Engine
HA Zurqani, CJ Post, EA Mikhailova, MA Schlautman, JL Sharp
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 69 …, 2018
Cultivation effects on soil carbon and nitrogen contents at depth in the Russian Chernozem
EA Mikhailova, RB Bryant, II Vassenev, SJ Schwager, CJ Post
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64 (2), 738-745, 2000
Automated tree-crown and height detection in a young forest plantation using mask region-based convolutional neural network (Mask R-CNN)
Z Hao, L Lin, CJ Post, EA Mikhailova, M Li, Y Chen, K Yu, J Liu
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 178, 112-123, 2021
Effects of land use on soil inorganic carbon stocks in the Russian Chernozem
EA Mikhailova, CJ Post
Journal of environmental quality 35 (4), 1384-1388, 2006
Evaluation of an inexpensive sensor to measure soil color
R Stiglitz, E Mikhailova, C Post, M Schlautman, J Sharp
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 121, 141-148, 2016
Effects of ambient oxygen and of fixed nitrogen on concentrations of glutathione, ascrobate, and associated enzymes in soybean root nodules
DA Dalton, CJ Post, L Langeberg
Plant physiology 96 (3), 812-818, 1991
Organic carbon stocks in the Russian Chernozem
EA Mikhailova, CJ Post
European Journal of Soil Science 57 (3), 330-336, 2006
Using an inexpensive color sensor for rapid assessment of soil organic carbon
R Stiglitz, E Mikhailova, C Post, M Schlautman, J Sharp
Geoderma 286, 98-103, 2017
Comparison of soil organic carbon recovery by Walkley-Black and dry combustion methods in the Russian Chernozem
EA Mikhailova, RRP Noble, CJ Post
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 34 (13-14), 1853-1860, 2003
Developing and evaluating an ESRI story map as an educational tool
MP Cope, EA Mikhailova, CJ Post, MA Schlautman, P Carbajales-Dale
Natural Sciences Education 47 (1), 1-9, 2018
Measurement and modeling of the transpiration of a temperate red maple container nursery
WL Bauerle, CJ Post, MF McLeod, JB Dudley, JE Toler
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 114 (1-2), 45-57, 2002
An integrated WebGIS framework for volunteered geographic information and social media in soil and water conservation
JD Werts, EA Mikhailova, CJ Post, JL Sharp
Environmental management 49, 816-832, 2012
Comparison of classical methods and mask R-CNN for automatic tree detection and mapping using UAV imagery
K Yu, Z Hao, CJ Post, EA Mikhailova, L Lin, G Zhao, S Tian, J Liu
Remote Sensing 14 (2), 295, 2022
Botanical composition, soil and forage quality under different management regimes in Russian grasslands
EA Mikhailova, RB Bryant, DJR Cherney, CJ Post, II Vassenev
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 80 (3), 213-226, 2000
Soil color sensor data collection using a GPS-enabled smartphone application
R Stiglitz, E Mikhailova, C Post, M Schlautman, J Sharp, R Pargas, ...
Geoderma 296, 108-114, 2017
Monitoring land cover change on a rapidly urbanizing island using Google Earth Engine
L Lin, Z Hao, CJ Post, EA Mikhailova, K Yu, L Yang, J Liu
Applied Sciences 10 (20), 7336, 2020
A review of Libyan soil databases for use within an ecosystem services framework
HA Zurqani, EA Mikhailova, CJ Post, MA Schlautman, AR Elhawej
Land 8 (5), 82, 2019
Digital story map learning for STEM disciplines
G Groshans, E Mikhailova, C Post, M Schlautman, P Carbajales-Dale, ...
Education Sciences 9 (2), 75, 2019
Monitoring spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen and water temperature in the Savannah River using a sensor network
CJ Post, MP Cope, PD Gerard, NM Masto, JR Vine, RY Stiglitz, ...
Environmental Monitoring and assessment 190, 1-14, 2018
Mapping urbanization trends in a forested landscape using Google Earth Engine
HA Zurqani, CJ Post, EA Mikhailova, JS Allen
Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences 2, 173-182, 2019
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Articles 1–20