Jeffrey Buler
Jeffrey Buler
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A multi‐scale examination of stopover habitat use by birds
JJ Buler, FR Moore, S Woltmann
Ecology 88 (7), 1789-1802, 2007
Artificial light at night confounds broad‐scale habitat use by migrating birds
JD McLaren, JJ Buler, T Schreckengost, JA Smolinsky, M Boone, ...
Ecology letters 21 (3), 356-364, 2018
Light pollution is greatest within migration passage areas for nocturnally-migrating birds around the world
SA Cabrera-Cruz, JA Smolinsky, JJ Buler
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3261, 2018
Migrant–habitat relationships during stopover along an ecological barrier: extrinsic constraints and conservation implications
JJ Buler, FR Moore
Journal of Ornithology 152 (Suppl 1), 101-112, 2011
Seasonal associations with urban light pollution for nocturnally migrating bird populations
FA La Sorte, D Fink, JJ Buler, A Farnsworth, SA Cabrera‐Cruz
Global Change Biology 23 (11), 4609-4619, 2017
Quantifying bird density during migratory stopover using weather surveillance radar
JJ Buler, RH Diehl
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 47 (8), 2741-2751, 2009
Predation of natural and artificial nests in a southern pine forest
JJ Buler, RB Hamilton
The Auk 117 (3), 739-747, 2000
Radar analysis of fall bird migration stopover sites in the northeastern US
JJ Buler, DK Dawson
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 116 (3), 357-370, 2014
Holding steady: Little change in intensity or timing of bird migration over the Gulf of Mexico
KG Horton, BM Van Doren, FA La Sorte, EB Cohen, HL Clipp, JJ Buler, ...
Global Change Biology 25 (3), 1106-1118, 2019
A comparison of traffic estimates of nocturnal flying animals using radar, thermal imaging, and acoustic recording
KG Horton, WG Shriver, JJ Buler
Ecological Applications 25 (2), 390-401, 2015
How do en route events around the Gulf of Mexico influence migratory landbird populations?
EB Cohen, WC Barrow Jr, JJ Buler, JL Deppe, A Farnsworth, PP Marra, ...
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119 (2), 327-343, 2017
A place to land: spatiotemporal drivers of stopover habitat use by migrating birds
EB Cohen, KG Horton, PP Marra, HL Clipp, A Farnsworth, JA Smolinsky, ...
Ecology Letters 24 (1), 38-49, 2021
Mapping wintering waterfowl distributions using weather surveillance radar
JJ Buler, LA Randall, JP Fleskes, WC Barrow Jr, T Bogart, D Kluver
PloS one 7 (7), e41571, 2012
Understanding the stopover of migratory birds: a scale dependent approach
FR Moore, MS Woodrey, JJ Buler, S Woltmann, TR Simons
In: Ralph, C. John; Rich, Terrell D., editors 2005. Bird Conservation …, 2005
Geographic position and landscape composition explain regional patterns of migrating landbird distributions during spring stopover along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico
JM Lafleur, JJ Buler, FR Moore
Landscape Ecology 31, 1697-1709, 2016
Environmental effects on flying migrants revealed by radar
P Becciu, MHM Menz, A Aurbach, SA Cabrera‐Cruz, CE Wainwright, ...
Ecography 42 (5), 942-955, 2019
An improved multi‐scale approach to modeling habitat occupancy of northern bobwhite
KR Duren, JJ Buler, W Jones, CK Williams
The Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1700-1709, 2011
Urban areas affect flight altitudes of nocturnally migrating birds
SA Cabrera‐Cruz, JA Smolinsky, KP McCarthy, JJ Buler
Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (12), 1873-1887, 2019
Migrating birds reorient toward land at dawn over the Great Lakes, USA
KM Archibald, JJ Buler, JA Smolinsky, RJ Smith
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 134 (1), 193-201, 2017
Multiflora rose invasion amplifies prevalence of Lyme disease pathogen, but not necessarily Lyme disease risk
SA Adalsteinsson, WG Shriver, A Hojgaard, JL Bowman, D Brisson, ...
Parasites & vectors 11 (1), 1-10, 2018
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