Valéry Gond
Valéry Gond
Chercheur CIRAD
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A land cover map of South America
HD Eva, AS Belward, EE De Miranda, CM Di Bella, V Gond, O Huber, ...
Global Change Biology 10 (5), 731-744, 2004
Seasonal variations in leaf area index, leaf chlorophyll, and water content; scaling-up to estimate fAPAR and carbon balance in a multilayer, multispecies temperate forest
V Gond, DGG De Pury, F Veroustraete, R Ceulemans
Tree physiology 19 (10), 673-679, 1999
Estimating deforestation in tropical humid and dry forests in Madagascar from 2000 to 2010 using multi-date Landsat satellite images and the random forests classifier
C Grinand, F Rakotomalala, V Gond, R Vaudry, M Bernoux, G Vieilledent
Remote Sensing of Environment 139, 68-80, 2013
VALERI: a network of sites and a methodology for the validation of medium spatial resolution land satellite products
F Baret, M Weiss, D Allard, S Garrigues, M Leroy, H Jeanjean, ...
Remote Sens. Environ 76 (3), 36-39, 2005
The potential of Sentinel satellites for burnt area mapping and monitoring in the Congo Basin forests
A Verhegghen, H Eva, G Ceccherini, F Achard, V Gond, S Gourlet-Fleury, ...
Remote Sensing 8 (12), 986, 2016
Evaluation of fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation products for different canopy radiation transfer regimes: Methodology and results using Joint Research …
N Gobron, B Pinty, O Aussedat, JM Chen, WB Cohen, R Fensholt, V Gond, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D13), 2006
Causes and consequences of a tropical forest gold rush in the Guiana Shield, South America
DS Hammond, V Gond, B De Thoisy, PM Forget, BPE DeDijn
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 36 (8), 661-670, 2007
Habitat fragmentation and the desiccation of forest canopies: a case study from eastern Amazonia
G Briant, V Gond, SGW Laurance
Biological conservation 143 (11), 2763-2769, 2010
A vegetation map of South America
HD Eva, EE De Miranda, CM Di Bella, V Gond, O Huber, M Sgrenzaroli, ...
European Commission, 2002
Vegetation structure and greenness in Central Africa from Modis multi-temporal data
V Gond, A Fayolle, A Pennec, G Cornu, P Mayaux, P Camberlin, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Accuracy assessment of a 300 m global land cover map: The GlobCover experience
P Defourny, L Schouten, S Bartalev, S Bontemps, P Caccetta, AJW De Wit, ...
Ecosystem services of regulation and support in Amazonian pioneer fronts: searching for landscape drivers
M Grimaldi, J Oszwald, S Dolédec, MP Hurtado, I de Souza Miranda, ...
Landscape ecology 29, 311-328, 2014
Bioclimatic envelope models predict a decrease in tropical forest carbon stocks with climate change in Madagascar
G Vieilledent, O Gardi, C Grinand, C Burren, M Andriamanjato, C Camara, ...
Journal of Ecology 104 (3), 703-715, 2016
Tracking land-cover changes with sedimentary charcoal in the Afrotropics
JC Aleman, O Blarquez, I Bentaleb, P Bonté, B Brossier, C Carcaillet, ...
The Holocene 23 (12), 1853-1862, 2013
Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 time series for land cover classification of forest–agriculture mosaics in temperate and tropical landscapes
A Mercier, J Betbeder, F Rumiano, J Baudry, V Gond, L Blanc, C Bourgoin, ...
Remote sensing 11 (8), 979, 2019
Biodiversity loss along a gradient of deforestation in Amazonian agricultural landscapes
T Decaens, MB Martins, A Feijoo, J Oszwald, S Dolédec, J Mathieu, ...
Conservation Biology 32 (6), 1380-1391, 2018
Broad-scale spatial pattern of forest landscape types in the Guiana Shield
V Gond, V Freycon, JF Molino, O Brunaux, F Ingrassia, P Joubert, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13 (3 …, 2011
Mapping of Central Africa forested wetlands using remote sensing
J Betbeder, V Gond, F Frappart, NN Baghdadi, G Briant, E Bartholomé
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2013
Gold-rush in a forested El Dorado: deforestation leakages and the need for regional cooperation
C Dezécache, E Faure, V Gond, JM Salles, G Vieilledent, B Hérault
Environmental Research Letters 12 (3), 034013, 2017
Google earth engine based three decadal landsat imagery analysis for mapping of mangrove forests and its surroundings in the trat province of Thailand
U Pimple, D Simonetti, A Sitthi, S Pungkul, K Leadprathom, H Skupek, ...
Journal of Computer and Communications 6, 247-264, 2017
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Articles 1–20