Articles with public access mandates - Steven DeclerckLearn more
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Plankton biodiversity along a gradient of productivity and its mediation by macrophytes
S Declerck, M Vanderstukken, A Pals, K Muylaert, LD Meester
Ecology 88 (9), 2199-2210, 2007
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Biological control of phytoplankton by the subtropical submerged macrophytes Egeria densa and Potamogeton illinoensis: a mesocosm study
M Vanderstukken, N Mazzeo, W Van Colen, SAJ Declerck, K Muylaert
Freshwater Biology 56 (9), 1837-1849, 2011
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
A comparative analysis of cladoceran communities from different water body types: patterns in community composition and diversity
T De Bie, S Declerck, K Martens, L De Meester, L Brendonck
Hydrobiologia 597 (1), 19-27, 2008
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Assembly of zooplankton communities in newly created ponds
G Louette, L De Meester, S Declerck
Freshwater biology 53 (11), 2309-2320, 2008
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Variation in ostracod (Crustacea, Ostracoda) communities in the alluvial valley of the upper Paraná River (Brazil) in relation to substrate
J Higuti, SAJ Declerck, FA Lansac-Tôha, LFM Velho, K Martens
Hydrobiologia 644 (1), 261-278, 2010
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Natural distribution and co-infection patterns of microsporidia parasites in the Daphnia longispina complex
S Weigl, H Körner, A Petrusek, J Seda, J Wolinska
Parasitology 139 (07), 870-880, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Effects of medium renewal and handling stress on life history traits in Daphnia
S Rousseaux, J Vanoverbeke, J Aerts, SAJ Declerck
Hydrobiologia 643 (1), 63-69, 2010
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Available somewhere: 48
Body size and dispersal mode as key traits determining metacommunity structure of aquatic organisms
T Bie, L Meester, L Brendonck, K Martens, B Goddeeris, D Ercken, ...
Ecology letters 15 (7), 740-747, 2012
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
The power of species sorting: local factors drive bacterial community composition over a wide range of spatial scales
K Van der Gucht, K Cottenie, K Muylaert, N Vloemans, S Cousin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (51), 20404-20409, 2007
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Scale dependency of processes structuring metacommunities of cladocerans in temporary pools of High‐Andes wetlands
SAJ Declerck, JS Coronel, P Legendre, L Brendonck
Ecography 34 (2), 296-305, 2011
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Integrative taxonomy recognizes evolutionary units despite widespread mitonuclear discordance: evidence from a rotifer cryptic species complex
S Papakostas, E Michaloudi, K Proios, M Brehm, L Verhage, J Rota, ...
Systematic biology 65 (3), 508-524, 2016
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Dispersal‐mediated trophic interactions can generate apparent patterns of dispersal limitation in aquatic metacommunities
D Verreydt, L De Meester, E Decaestecker, MJ Villena, K Van Der Gucht, ...
Ecology letters 15 (3), 218-226, 2012
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Effects of patch connectivity and heterogeneity on metacommunity structure of planktonic bacteria and viruses
SAJ Declerck, C Winter, JB Shurin, CA Suttle, B Matthews
The ISME journal 7 (3), 533-542, 2013
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation, Research Foundation (Flanders)
Reverse taxonomy applied to the Brachionus calyciflorus species complex: morphometric analysis confirms species delimitation as revealed by molecular phylogenetic analysis and …
E Michaloudi, S Papakostas, G Stamou, V Nedela, E Tihlarikova, ...
PLoS One, 2018
Mandates: Academy of Finland
How to maximally support local and regional biodiversity in applied conservation? Insights from pond management
P Lemmens, J Mergeay, T De Bie, J Van Wichelen, L De Meester, ...
PloS one 8 (8), e72538, 2013
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Rapid adaptation of herbivore consumers to nutrient limitation: eco‐evolutionary feedbacks to population demography and resource control
SAJ Declerck, AR Malo, S Diehl, D Waasdorp, KD Lemmen, K Proios, ...
Ecology letters 18 (6), 553-562, 2015
Mandates: Academy of Finland
The genetic legacy of polyploid Bolivian Daphnia: the tropical Andes as a source for the North and South American D. pulicaria complex
J Mergeay, X Aguilera, S Declerck, A Petrusek, T Huyse, L De Meester
Molecular Ecology 17 (7), 1789-1800, 2008
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Phytoplankton growth and stoichiometric responses to warming, nutrient addition and grazing depend on lake productivity and cell size.
MA Schulhof, JB Shurin, SAJ Declerck, DB de Waal Van
Global change biology, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
Monogonont rotifers as model systems for the study of micro-evolutionary adaptation and its eco-evolutionary implications
SAJ Declerck, S Papakostas
Hydrobiologia, 1-14, 2016
Mandates: Academy of Finland, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Long‐term allelopathic control of phytoplankton by the submerged macrophyte Elodea nuttallii
M Vanderstukken, SAJ Declerck, E Decaestecker, K Muylaert
Freshwater Biology 59 (5), 930-941, 2014
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
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