Marios Panagiotou
Marios Panagiotou
Advanced Earthquake Engineering Leader, Nabih Youssef & Associates
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Shake-table test of a full-scale 7-story building slice. Phase I: Rectangular wall
M Panagiotou, JI Restrepo, JP Conte
Journal of Structural Engineering 137 (6), 691-704, 2011
System identification study of a 7-story full-scale building slice tested on the UCSD-NEES shake table
B Moaveni, X He, JP Conte, JI Restrepo, M Panagiotou
Journal of Structural Engineering 137 (6), 705-717, 2011
Nonlinear Cyclic Truss Model for Reinforced Concrete Walls.
M Panagiotou, JI Restrepo, M Schoettler, G Kim
ACI Structural Journal 109 (2), 2012
Dual‐plastic hinge design concept for reducing higher‐mode effects on high‐rise cantilever wall buildings
M Panagiotou, JI Restrepo
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 38 (12), 1359-1380, 2009
Three-dimensional cyclic beam-truss model for nonplanar reinforced concrete walls
Y Lu, M Panagiotou
Journal of Structural Engineering 140 (3), 04013071, 2014
Shake table test of large-scale bridge columns supported on rocking shallow foundations
G Antonellis, AG Gavras, M Panagiotou, BL Kutter, G Guerrini, AC Sander, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 141 (5), 04015009, 2015
Seismic response of a damage-resistant recentering posttensioned-HYFRC bridge column
W Trono, G Jen, M Panagiotou, M Schoettler, CP Ostertag
Journal of Bridge Engineering 20 (7), 04014096, 2015
Seismic response of bridges with rocking foundations compared to fixed-base bridges at a near-fault site
G Antonellis, M Panagiotou
Journal of Bridge Engineering 19 (5), 04014007, 2014
Displacement-based method of analysis for regular reinforced-concrete wall buildings: Application to a full-scale 7-story building slice tested at UC–San Diego
M Panagiotou, JI Restrepo
Journal of Structural Engineering 137 (6), 677-690, 2011
Response of tall cantilever wall buildings to strong pulse type seismic excitation
V Calugaru, M Panagiotou
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 41 (9), 1301-1318, 2012
Seismic response of 20‐story base‐isolated and fixed‐base reinforced concrete structural wall buildings at a near‐fault site
V Calugaru, M Panagiotou
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 43 (6), 927-948, 2014
Seismic design, testing and analysis of reinforced concrete wall buildings
M Panagiotou
University of California, San Diego, 2008
Characterization and representation of near‐fault ground motions using cumulative pulse extraction with wavelet analysis
Y Lu, M Panagiotou
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104 (1), 410-426, 2014
Experimental seismic response of hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete bridge columns with novel longitudinal reinforcement detailing
M Panagiotou, W Trono, G Jen, P Kumar, CP Ostertag
Journal of Bridge Engineering 20 (7), 04014090, 2015
Analysis of shear‐dominated RC columns using the nonlinear truss analogy
M Moharrami, I Koutromanos, M Panagiotou, SC Girgin
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 44 (5), 677-694, 2015
Three‐dimensional beam‐truss model for reinforced concrete walls and slabs–part 1: modeling approach, validation, and parametric study for individual reinforced concrete walls
Y Lu, M Panagiotou, I Koutromanos
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 45 (9), 1495-1513, 2016
Performance of suspended pipes and their anchorages during shake table testing of a seven-story building
MS Hoehler, M Panagiotou, JI Restrepo, JF Silva, L Floriani, U Bourgund, ...
Earthquake Spectra 25 (1), 71-91, 2009
Seismic response of a rocking bridge column using a precast hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete (HyFRC) tube
W Nguyen, W Trono, M Panagiotou, CP Ostertag
Composite Structures 174, 252-262, 2017
Three‐dimensional beam–truss model for reinforced concrete walls and slabs–part 2: modeling approach and validation for slabs and coupled walls
Y Lu, M Panagiotou
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 45 (11), 1707-1724, 2016
Three-dimensional beam-truss model for reinforced-concrete walls and slabs subjected to cyclic static or dynamic loading
Y Lu, M Panagiotou, I Koutromanos
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Articles 1–20