Dewey Cornell
Dewey Cornell
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Psychopathy in instrumental and reactive violent offenders.
DG Cornell, J Warren, G Hawk, E Stafford, G Oram, D Pine
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 64 (4), 783, 1996
Authoritative school discipline: High school practices associated with lower bullying and victimization.
A Gregory, D Cornell, X Fan, P Sheras, TH Shih, F Huang
Journal of Educational Psychology 102 (2), 483, 2010
Supportive school climate and student willingness to seek help for bullying and threats of violence
M Eliot, D Cornell, A Gregory, X Fan
Journal of school psychology 48 (6), 533-553, 2010
Bullying, self-control, and ADHD
JD Unnever, DG Cornell
Journal of interpersonal violence 18 (2), 129-147, 2003
What can be done about school shootings? A review of the evidence
R Borum, DG Cornell, W Modzeleski, SR Jimerson
Educational Researcher 39 (1), 27-37, 2010
The relationship of school structure and support to suspension rates for Black and White high school students
A Gregory, D Cornell, X Fan
American educational research journal 48 (4), 904-934, 2011
Perceived prevalence of teasing and bullying predicts high school dropout rates.
D Cornell, A Gregory, F Huang, X Fan
Journal of educational psychology 105 (1), 138, 2013
High suspension schools and dropout rates for black and white students
T Lee, D Cornell, A Gregory, X Fan
Education and treatment of children 34 (2), 167-192, 2011
Middle school victims of bullying: Who reports being bullied?
JD Unnever, DG Cornell
Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for …, 2004
Why do school order and safety matter?
DG Cornell, MJ Mayer
Educational researcher 39 (1), 7-15, 2010
Relationships between bullying, school climate, and student risk behaviors.
J Klein, D Cornell, T Konold
School psychology quarterly 27 (3), 154, 2012
Assessment of bullying
D Cornell, JCM Cole
Handbook of school violence and school safety, 289-303, 2012
“Tolerating” adolescent needs: Moving beyond zero tolerance policies in high school
A Gregory, D Cornell
Theory into practice 48 (2), 106-113, 2009
Anger as a predictor of aggression among incarcerated adolescents.
DG Cornell, CS Peterson, H Richards
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 67 (1), 108, 1999
Law and policy on the concept of bullying at school.
D Cornell, SP Limber
American Psychologist 70 (4), 333, 2015
School violence: Fears versus facts
DG Cornell
Routledge, 2017
The culture of bullying in middle school
JD Unnever, DG Cornell
Journal of school violence 2 (2), 5-27, 2003
Aggressive attitudes among victims of violence at school
KK Brockenbrough, DG Cornell, AB Loper
Education and treatment of children, 273-287, 2002
Authoritative school climate and student academic engagement, grades, and aspirations in middle and high schools
D Cornell, K Shukla, TR Konold
Aera Open 2 (2), 2332858416633184, 2016
Bullying climate and school engagement in ninth‐grade students
SB Mehta, D Cornell, X Fan, A Gregory
Journal of school health 83 (1), 45-52, 2013
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