Dmitry Makarov
Dmitry Makarov
Northern (Arctic) Federal University
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Cited by
Coupled harmonic oscillators and their quantum entanglement
DN Makarov
Physical Review E 97 (4), 042203, 2018
Quantum theory of scattering of ultrashort electromagnetic field pulses by polyatomic structures
DN Makarov
Optics express 27 (22), 31989-32008, 2019
Analytical wave function of an atomic electron under the action of a powerful ultrashort electromagnetic field pulse
DN Makarov, MK Eseev, KA Makarova
Optics Letters 44 (12), 3042-3045, 2019
Quantum entanglement of a harmonic oscillator with an electromagnetic field
DN Makarov
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 8204, 2018
Quantum entanglement and reflection coefficient for coupled harmonic oscillators
DN Makarov
Physical Review E 102 (5), 052213, 2020
Economic and environmental aspects of the development possibilities for the northern sea route
I Makarova, L Gubacheva, D Makarov, P Buyvol
Transportation research procedia 57, 347-355, 2021
Diagnostics of nanosystems with the use of ultrashort X-ray pulses: Theory and experiment (brief review)
MK Eseev, VI Matveev, DN Makarov
JETP Letters 114, 387-405, 2021
Analytical solution of the Schrödinger equation in the sudden perturbation approximation for an atom by attosecond and shorter electromagnetic pulses
DN Makarov, VI Matveev
JETP Letters 103, 415-419, 2016
Specificity of scattering of ultrashort laser pulses by molecules with polyatomic structure
DN Makarov, KA Makarova, AA Kharlamova
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 4976, 2022
Quantum entanglement and statistics of photons on a beam splitter in the form of coupled waveguides
DN Makarov, ES Gusarevich, AA Goshev, KA Makarova, SN Kapustin, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 10274, 2021
Interference effects during the reradiation of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses by polyatomic systems
DN Makarov, VI Matveev
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 117, 784-791, 2013
Эффекты интерференции при переизлучении ультракоротких импульсов электромагнитного поля многоатомными системами
ДН Макаров, ВИ Матвеев
Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики 144 (5), 905-913, 2013
Theory for the beam splitter in quantum optics: Quantum entanglement of photons and their statistics, HOM effect
D Makarov
Mathematics 10 (24), 4794, 2022
Theory of a frequency-dependent beam splitter in the form of coupled waveguides
DN Makarov
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 5014, 2021
X-ray diffraction analysis of matter taking into account the second harmonic in the scattering of powerful ultrashort pulses of an electromagnetic field
MK Eseev, AA Goshev, KA Makarova, DN Makarov
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 3571, 2021
Scattering of ultrashort X-ray pulses by various nanosystems
M Eseev, A Goshev, D Makarov
Nanomaterials 10 (7), 1355, 2020
Scattering of X-ray ultrashort pulses by complex polyatomic structures
D Makarov, A Kharlamova
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (1), 163, 2021
Theory of HOM interference on coupled waveguides
DN Makarov
Optics Letters 45 (22), 6322-6325, 2020
Spectra for the reemission of attosecond and shorter electromagnetic pulses by multielectron atoms
DN Makarov, VI Matveev
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 125, 189-194, 2017
High Intensity Generation of Entangled Photons in a Two‐Mode Electromagnetic Field
DN Makarov
Annalen der Physik 529 (10), 1600408, 2017
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Articles 1–20