Reuben D. Budiardja
Reuben D. Budiardja
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Cited by
Turbulent magnetic field amplification from spiral SASI modes: implications for core-collapse supernovae and proto-neutron star magnetization
E Endeve, CY Cardall, RD Budiardja, SW Beck, A Bejnood, RJ Toedte, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 751 (1), 26, 2012
Generation of magnetic fields by the stationary accretion shock instability
E Endeve, CY Cardall, RD Budiardja, A Mezzacappa
The Astrophysical Journal 713 (2), 1219, 2010
CHIMERA: a massively parallel code for core-collapse supernova simulations
SW Bruenn, JM Blondin, WR Hix, EJ Lentz, OEB Messer, A Mezzacappa, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 248 (1), 11, 2020
Frontier: exploring exascale
S Atchley, C Zimmer, J Lange, D Bernholdt, V Melesse Vergara, T Beck, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2023
OpenMP application experiences: Porting to accelerated nodes
S Bak, C Bertoni, S Boehm, R Budiardja, BM Chapman, J Doerfert, ...
Parallel Computing 109, 102856, 2022
High-performance molecular dynamics simulation for biological and materials sciences: challenges of performance portability
A Sedova, JD Eblen, R Budiardja, A Tharrington, JC Smith
2018 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Performance, Portability and …, 2018
Scaling the Summit: deploying the World’s fastest supercomputer
VG Vergara Larrea, W Joubert, MJ Brim, RD Budiardja, D Maxwell, ...
High Performance Computing: ISC High Performance 2019 International …, 2019
GenASiS: general astrophysical simulation system. I. refinable mesh and nonrelativistic hydrodynamics
CY Cardall, RD Budiardja, E Endeve, A Mezzacappa
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 210 (2), 17, 2014
Stochasticity and efficiency in simplified models of core-collapse supernova explosions
CY Cardall, RD Budiardja
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 813 (1), L6, 2015
Parallel FFT-based Poisson solver for isolated three-dimensional systems
RD Budiardja, CY Cardall
Computer Physics Communications 182 (10), 2265-2275, 2011
Experiences in porting mini‐applications to OpenACC and OpenMP on heterogeneous systems
VG Vergara Larrea, RD Budiardja, R Gayatri, C Daley, O Hernandez, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (20), e5780, 2020
Targeting GPUs with OpenMP directives on Summit: A simple and effective Fortran experience
RD Budiardja, CY Cardall
Parallel Computing 88, 102544, 2019
Deploying darter-a cray xc30 system
MR Fahey, R Budiardja, L Crosby, S McNally
Supercomputing: 29th International Conference, ISC 2014, Leipzig, Germany …, 2014
Explicit integration of extremely stiff reaction networks: asymptotic methods
MW Guidry, R Budiardja, E Feger, JJ Billings, WR Hix, OEB Messer, ...
Computational Science & Discovery 6 (1), 015001, 2013
Effect of rank placement on cray xc30 communication cost
RD Budiardja, L Crosby, H You
The Cray User Group Meeting, 2013
Generation of Strong Magnetic Fields in Axisymmetry by the Stationary Accretion Shock Instability
E Endeve, CY Cardall, RD Budiardja, A Mezzacappa
ArXiv e-prints 4, 2008
Turbulence and magnetic field amplification from spiral SASI modes in core-collapse supernovae
E Endeve, CY Cardall, RD Budiardja, A Mezzacappa, JM Blondin
Physica Scripta 2013 (T155), 014022, 2013
Community use of xalt in its first year in production
R Budiardja, M Fahey, R McLay, PM Don, B Hadri, D James
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on HPC User Support Tools, 1-10, 2015
Experiences readying applications for exascale
N Malaya, B Messer, J Glenski, A Georgiadou, J Lietz, K Gottiparthi, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2023
GenASiS Mathematics: Object-oriented manifolds, operations, and solvers for large-scale physics simulations
CY Cardall, RD Budiardja
Computer Physics Communications 222, 384-412, 2018
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Articles 1–20