Thomas U Otto
Cited by
Cited by
Noise and Correlations in Parallel Perceptual Decision Making
TU Otto, P Mamassian
Current Biology 22 (15), 1391-1396, 2012
Principles of multisensory behavior
TU Otto, B Dassy, P Mamassian
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (17), 7463-7474, 2013
The flight path of the phoenix—The visible trace of invisible elements in human vision
TU Otto, H Ögmen, MH Herzog
Journal of Vision 6 (10), 7-7, 2006
Perceptual grouping induces non-retinotopic feature attribution in human vision
H Öğmen, TU Otto, MH Herzog
Vision Research 46 (19), 3234-3242, 2006
A (fascinating) litmus test for human retino-vs. non-retinotopic processing
M Boi, H Öğmen, J Krummenacher, TU Otto, MH Herzog
Journal of Vision 9 (13), 5-5, 2009
Perceptual learning with spatial uncertainties
TU Otto, MH Herzog, M Fahle, L Zhaoping
Vision research 46 (19), 3223-3233, 2006
Perceptual learning of bisection stimuli under roving: Slow and largely specific
K Parkosadze, TU Otto, M Malania, A Kezeli, MH Herzog
Journal of Vision 8 (1), 5-5, 2008
Feature integration across space, time, and orientation.
TU Otto, H Ögmen, MH Herzog
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 35 (6 …, 2009
Multisensory decisions: the test of a race model, its logic, and power
TU Otto, P Mamassian
Multisensory Research 30 (1), 1-24, 2017
Perceptual learning in a nonretinotopic frame of reference
TU Otto, H Öğmen, MH Herzog
Psychological Science 21 (8), 1058-1063, 2010
Non-retinotopic feature integration decreases response-locked brain activity as revealed by electrical neuroimaging
G Plomp, MR Mercier, TU Otto, O Blanke, MH Herzog
Neuroimage 48 (2), 405-414, 2009
A comparative analysis of response times shows that multisensory benefits and interactions are not equivalent
BR Innes, TU Otto
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2921, 2019
Attention and non-retinotopic feature integration
TU Otto, H Öğmen, MH Herzog
Journal of vision 10 (12), 8-8, 2010
Assessing the microstructure of motion correspondences with non-retinotopic feature attribution
TU Otto, H Öğmen, MH Herzog
Journal of Vision 8 (7), 16-16, 2008
RSE-box: An analysis and modelling package to study response times to multiple signals
TU Otto
The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 2019
The role of context in experiments and models of multisensory decision making
Y Liu, TU Otto
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 96, 102352, 2020
The fate of visible features of invisible elements
MH Herzog, TU Otto, H Ögmen
Frontiers in psychology 3, 119, 2012
Grouping based feature attribution in metacontrast masking
TU Otto
Advances in Cognitive Psychology 3 (1-2), 107, 2008
No selective integration required: A race model explains responses to audiovisual motion-in-depth
SFA Chua, Y Liu, JM Harris, TU Otto
Cognition 227, 105204, 2022
Noise vs. multisensory integration: The return of the race model
TU Otto, P Mamassian
11th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Liverpool, UK, 2010
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Articles 1–20