Xing RAO
Xing RAO
Room Temperature Accelerator Engineering Group Leader, Michigan State University
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Cited by
Combustion dynamics of plasma-enhanced premixed and nonpremixed flames
X Rao, S Hammack, T Lee, C Carter, IB Matveev
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 38 (12), 3265-3271, 2010
Combustion Dynamics for Energetically Enhanced Flames Using Direct Microwave Energy Coupling
X Rao, K Hemawan, I Wichman, C Carter, T Grotjohn, J Asmussen, T Lee
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (2), 3233-3240, 2011
Direct-Coupled Plasma-Assisted Combustion Using a Microwave Waveguide Torch
S Hammack, X Rao, T Lee, C Carter
Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on 39 (12), 3300 - 3306, 2011
Accelerator commissioning and rare isotope identification at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
J Wei, H Ao, B Arend, S Beher, G Bollen, N Bultman, F Casagrande, ...
Modern Physics Letters A 37 (09), 2230006, 2022
Microwave-Plasma-Coupled Re-Ignition of Methane-and-Oxygen Mixture Under Auto-Ignition Temperature
X Rao, S Hammack, C Carter, T Grotjohn, J Asmussen, T Lee
Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on 39 (12), 3307 - 3313, 2011
Nitric Oxide Formation in a Premixed Flame with High-level Plasma Energy Coupling
X Rao, IB Matveev, T Lee
Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on 37 (12), 2303-2313, 2009
Design of a superconducting 28 GHz ion source magnet for FRIB using a shell-based support structure
H Felice, E Rochepault, R Hafalia, S Caspi, DR Dietderich, SO Prestemon, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 25 (3), 1-5, 2014
Completion of FRIB superconducting linac and phased beam commissioning
T Xu, Y Al-Mahmound, J Asciutto, H Ao, B Bird, B Bullock, NK Bultman, ...
Proc. SRF’21, 197-202, 2021
Laser diagnostic imaging of energetically enhanced flames using direct microwave plasma coupling
X Rao, S Hammack, C Carter, T Lee
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (11), 2354-2355, 2011
FRIB transition to user operations, power ramp up, and upgrade perspectives
J Wei, H Ao, B Arend, S Beher, G Bollen, N Bultman, F Casagrande, ...
JACoW, 2023
Design of FRIB Cryomodule
M Johnson, M Barrios, J Binkowski, S Bricker, F Casagrande, A Fox, ...
Proceeding of 2011SRF, WEPPD006, 2011
Commissioning of the FRIB RFQ
H Ren, E Pozdeyev, D Morris, S Zhao, P Morrison, R Walker, N Bultman, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1067 (5), 052010, 2018
Technological developments and accelerator improvements for the FRIB beam power ramp-up
J Wei, C Alleman, H Ao, B Arend, D Barofsky, S Beher, G Bollen, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 19 (05), T05011, 2024
Efficient continuous wave accelerating structure for ion beams
PN Ostroumov, AS Plastun, N Bultman, D Morris, X Rao, Q Zhao, S Zhao
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 23 (4), 042002, 2020
Design status of ECR ion source and LEBT for FRIB
G Machicoane, N Bultman, G Morgan, E Pozdeyev, X Rao, J Benitez, ...
Proc. ECRIS, 2012
Development and status of the FRIB 28 GHz SC ECRIS
H Ren, G Machicoane, N Bultman, X Rao, P Morrison, M Omelayenko, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2244 (1), 012008, 2022
Mechanical study of a superconducting 28-GHz ion source magnet for FRIB
H Pan, D Arbelaez, H Felice, AR Hafalia, T Lipton, S Myers, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 29 (5), 1-6, 2019
Status of ECR ion sources for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)
G Machicoane, H Felice, J Fogleman, R Hafalia, G Morgan, H Pan, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (2), 2016
Design status of the SRF linac systems for the facility for rare isotope beams
M Leitner, J Bierwagen, J Binkowski, S Bricker, C Compton, J Crisp, ...
Proceedings of SRF2011, Paper MOPO009, 2011
Plasma Enhanced Combustion using Microwave Energy Coupling in a Re-entrant Cavity Applicator
X Rao, K Hemawan, C Carter, T Grotjohn, J Asmussen, T Lee
48th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2010-651, 2010
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Articles 1–20