Articles with public access mandates - Robert F BanksLearn more
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Sensitivity of boundary-layer variables to PBL schemes in the WRF model based on surface meteorological observations, lidar, and radiosondes during the HygrA-CD campaign
RF Banks, J Tiana-Alsina, JM Baldasano, F Rocadenbosch, ...
Atmospheric Research 176, 185-201, 2016
Mandates: European Commission, Government of Spain
Performance evaluation of the boundary-layer height from lidar and the Weather Research and Forecasting model at an urban coastal site in the north-east Iberian Peninsula
RF Banks, J Tiana-Alsina, F Rocadenbosch, JM Baldasano
Boundary-layer meteorology 157 (2), 265-292, 2015
Mandates: European Commission, Government of Spain
Impact of WRF model PBL schemes on air quality simulations over Catalonia, Spain
RF Banks, JM Baldasano
Science of the total environment 572, 98-113, 2016
Mandates: European Commission, Government of Spain
Retrieval of boundary layer height from lidar using extended Kalman filter approach, classic methods, and backtrajectory cluster analysis
RF Banks, J Tiana-Alsina, JM Baldasano, F Rocadenbosch
Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XIX; and Optics in Atmospheric …, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
An overview from hygroscopic aerosols to cloud droplets: The HygrA-CD campaign in the Athens basin
A Papayannis, A Argyrouli, A Bougiatioti, E Remoundaki, S Vratolis, ...
Science of the Total Environment 574, 216-233, 2017
Mandates: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, European Commission
Relative humidity vertical profiling using lidar-based synergistic methods in the framework of the Hygra-CD campaign
LD Labzovskii, A Papayannis, I Binietoglou, RF Banks, JM Baldasano, ...
Annales Geophysicae 36 (1), 213-229, 2018
Mandates: European Commission, Government of Spain
Inter-comparison of lidar methods for obtaining planetary boundary-layer height from a July 2012 monitoring campaign over the Iberian Peninsula in the framework of EARLINET
RF Banks, JM Baldasano Recio, A Comerón Tejero, M Sicard, ...
AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December, 2013: abstracts, A43A-0225, 2013
Mandates: Government of Spain
Assessment of planetary boundary-layer schemes with advanced remote sensing instruments and air quality modelling
RF Banks
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016
Mandates: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, European Commission …
Investigation of planetary boundary-layer properties over Athens, Greece during the 2014 HygrA-CD campaign
RF Banks, J Tiana-Alsina, JM Baldasano, F Rocadenbosch, ...
Mandates: European Commission
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