Richard B. Hall
Richard B. Hall
Professor in NREM, Iowa State University
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Automated teller machine
RB Hall
US Patent App. 29/019,938, 1995
Poplar breeding and testing strategies in the north-central US: demonstration of potential yield and consideration of future research needs
DE Riemenschneider, JG Isebrands, WE Berguson, DI Dickmann, RB Hall, ...
The Forestry Chronicle 77 (2), 245-253, 2001
Biomass and Genotype × Environment Interactions of Populus Energy Crops in the Midwestern United States
RS Zalesny, RB Hall, JA Zalesny, BG McMahon, WE Berguson, ...
BioEnergy Research 2, 106-122, 2009
Growth and biomass of Populus irrigated with landfill leachate
JA Zalesny, RS Zalesny Jr, DR Coyle, RB Hall
Forest Ecology and Management 248 (3), 143-152, 2007
Early rooting of dormant hardwood cuttings of Populus: analysis of quantitative genetics and genotype× environment interactions
RS Zalesny, Jr, DE Riemenschneider, RB Hall
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (4), 918-929, 2005
Woody biomass from short rotation energy crops
RS Zalesny Jr, MW Cunningham, RB Hall, J Mirck, DL Rockwood, ...
Sustainable production of fuels, chemicals, and fibers from forest biomass …, 2011
Clonal variation in survival and growth of hybrid poplar and willow in an in situ trial on soils heavily contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons
RS Zalesny Jr, EO Bauer, RB Hall, JA Zalesny, J Kunzman, CJ Rog, ...
International journal of phytoremediation 7 (3), 177-197, 2005
Transgenic Populus hybrid expresses a wound-inducible potato proteinase inhibitor II-CAT gene fusion
NB Klopfenstein, NQ Shi, A Kernan, HS McNabb Jr, RB Hall, ER Hart, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21 (9), 1321-1328, 1991
Sodium and chloride accumulation in leaf, woody, and root tissue of Populus after irrigation with landfill leachate
JA Zalesny, RS Zalesny Jr, AH Wiese, B Sexton, RB Hall
Environmental pollution 155 (1), 72-80, 2008
Biochar as a substitute for vermiculite in potting mix for hybrid poplar
WL Headlee, CE Brewer, RB Hall
BioEnergy Research 7, 120-131, 2014
Toward development of optimal Alnus glutinosa symbioses
RB Hall, HS Mc Nabb Jr, CA Maynard, TL Green
Botanical Gazette 140, S120-S126, 1979
Shoot position affects root initiation and growth of dormant unrooted cuttings of Populus
J Zalesny, RB Hall, EO Bauer, DE Riemenschneider
Silvae Genetica. 52: 273-279. 52, 2003
Transformation of Populus hybrids to study and improve pest resistance.
NB Klopfenstein, HSJ McNabb, ER Hart, RB Hall, RD Hanna, ...
DNA reassociation kinetics of four conifers
AV Rake, JP Miksche, RB Hall, KM Hansen
Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology 22 (1), 69-79, 1980
Sprouting capability of 17 tropical tree species after overstory removal in Quintana Roo, Mexico
P Negreros-Castillo, RB Hall
Forest Ecology and Management 126 (3), 399-403, 2000
Bulked Segregant Analysis Identifies Molecular Markers Linked to Melampsora medusae Resistance in Populus deltoides
GM Tabor, TL Kubisiak, NB Klopfenstein, RB Hall, HSMN McNabb Jr
Phytopathology 90 (9), 1039-1042, 2000
Strategies for clonal forestry with poplars, aspens, and willows
L Zsuffa, L Sennerby-Forsse, H Weisgerber, RB Hall
Clonal Forestry II: conservation and application, 91-119, 1993
Choosing tree genotypes for phytoremediation of landfill leachate using phyto-recurrent selection
JA Zalesny, RS Zalesny Jr, AH Wiese, RB Hall
International Journal of Phytoremediation 9 (6), 513-530, 2007
Using a process-based model (3-PG) to predict and map hybrid poplar biomass productivity in Minnesota and Wisconsin, USA
WL Headlee, RS Zalesny, DM Donner, RB Hall
BioEnergy Research 6, 196-210, 2013
Multiple shoot regeneration from root organ cultures of Populus alba x P. grandidentata
SH Son, RB Hall
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 20, 53-57, 1990
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Articles 1–20