Virginia L. Walker
Cited by
Cited by
Effects of augmentative and alternative communication on challenging behavior: A meta-analysis
VL Walker, ME Snell
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 29 (2), 117-131, 2013
Function-based intervention in inclusive school settings: A meta-analysis
VL Walker, YC Chung, LK Bonnet
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 20 (4), 203-216, 2018
Expanding inclusive educational opportunities for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities through personalized supports
JR Thompson, VL Walker, KA Shogren, ML Wehmeyer
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 56 (6), 396-411, 2018
Training paraprofessionals to support students with disabilities: A literature review
VL Walker, CG Smith
Exceptionality 23 (3), 170-191, 2015
Teaching paraprofessionals to implement function-based interventions
VL Walker, ME Snell
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 32 (2), 114-123, 2017
A systematic review of Functional Communication Training (FCT) interventions involving augmentative and alternative communication in school settings
VL Walker, KJ Lyon, SL Loman, S Sennott
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 34 (2), 118-129, 2018
The evaluation of a three-tier model of positive behavior interventions and supports for preschoolers in Head Start
TL Stanton-Chapman, VL Walker, MD Voorhees, ME Snell
Remedial and Special Education 37 (6), 333-344, 2016
Promoting the accessibility of SWPBIS for students with severe disabilities
SL Loman, MK Strickland-Cohen, VL Walker
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 20 (2), 113-123, 2018
Examining the inclusion of students with severe disabilities in school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports
VL Walker, SL Loman, M Hara, KL Park, MK Strickland-Cohen
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 43 (4), 223-238, 2018
Assessment and planning in K-12 schools: A social-ecological approach
VL Walker, SN DeSpain, JR Thompson, C Hughes
Inclusion 2 (2), 125-139, 2014
A demonstration of individualized Positive Behavior Support Interventions by Head Start staff to address children's challenging behavior
MD Voorhees, VL Walker, ME Snell, CG Smith
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 38 (3), 173-185, 2013
Teacher-delivered training to promote paraprofessional implementation of systematic instruction
VL Walker, KH Douglas, C Brewer
Teacher Education and Special Education 43 (3), 257-274, 2020
Working with paraeducators: Tools and strategies for planning, performance feedback, and evaluation
PA Yates, RV Chopra, EE Sobeck, SN Douglas, S Morano, VL Walker, ...
Intervention in School and Clinic 56 (1), 43-50, 2020
Teacher preparation in communication instruction for students with extensive support needs
RC Pennington, VL Walker, MC Tapp
Teacher Education and Special Education 44 (3), 239-254, 2021
Using the system of least prompts to teach personal hygiene skills to a high school student with comorbid visual impairment and autism spectrum disorder
KM Probst, VL Walker
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 111 (6), 511-526, 2017
Faculty perceptions of expertise for inclusive education for students with significant disabilities
JA Kurth, H Allcock, V Walker, A Olson, D Taub
Teacher Education and Special Education 44 (2), 117-133, 2021
Building social competence in preschool: The effects of a social skills intervention targeting children enrolled in head start
TL Stanton-Chapman, V Walker, KR Jamison
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 35 (2), 185-200, 2014
A meta-analysis of paraprofessional-delivered interventions to address challenging behavior among students with disabilities
VL Walker, ME Carpenter, KJ Lyon, L Button
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 23 (2), 68-80, 2021
A review of 20 years of research on professional development interventions for preschool teachers and staff
ME Snell, LD Forston, TL Stanton-Chapman, VL Walker
Early child development and care 183 (7), 857-873, 2013
Planning supports for students with intellectual disability in general education classrooms
JR Thompson, VL Walker, MR Snodgrass, JA Nelson, ME Carpenter, ...
Inclusion 8 (1), 27-42, 2020
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Articles 1–20