Nurkhamimi Zainuddin
Nurkhamimi Zainuddin
Associate Professor at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
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Moodle as an ODL teaching tool: A Perspective of Students and Academics
N Zainuddin, RM Idrus, AFM Jamal
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 14 (4), 282-290, 2016
Scaffolding a Conceptual Support for Personalized Arabic Vocabulary Learning Using Augmented Reality (AR) Enhanced Flashcards
N Zainuddin, MS Sahrir, RM Idrus, MN Jaffar
Journal of Personalized Learning 2 (1), 95-103, 2017
Multimedia Courseware for Teaching Arabic Vocabulary: Let’s Learn from the Experts
N Zainuddin, MS Sahrir
Universal Journal of Educational Research 4 (5), 1167-1172, 2016
Technology enhanced language learning research trends and practices: A systematic review (2020-2022)
N Zainuddin
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 21 (2), 69-79, 2023
An evaluation of Global Zakat Game (GZG) as edutainment board game in enhancing Zakat education in Malaysia.
AA Rahman, MS Sahrir, N Zainuddin, HA Khafidz
Educational Research and Reviews 13 (5), 166-172, 2018
Concept Based Instruction: Enhancing Grammar Competence in L2 Learners
H Harun, N Abdullah, N Ab Wahab, N Zainuddin
RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research 50 (2), 252-268, 2017
The Use of Metalanguage among Second Language Learners to Mediate L2 Grammar Learning.
H Harun, N Abdullah, NSA Wahab, N Zainuddin
Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction 14 (2), 85-114, 2017
Learning Preference among Arabic Language Learners via Mobile Learning Management System Platform (Mobile LMS) Using I-Taleem
MS Sahrir, N Zainuddin, MS Nasir
International Language and Tourism Conference 2016 (ILTC 2016), 2016
The use of augmented reality enhanced flashcards for arabic vocabulary acquisition
N Zainuddin, RM Idrus
2016 13th Learning and Technology Conference (L&T), 1-5, 2016
From TPACK to learning buffet: Developing a new model for open and flexible learning
N Zainuddin, RM Idrus
Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (4), 344-347, 2017
Theories and Design Principles of Multimedia Courseware for Teaching Arabic Vocabulary: An Analytical and Evaluative Study
N Zainuddin, MS Sahrir
Journal of Technical Research and Implications (Special Issue, Volume 30 …, 2015
Kesediaan Pelajar Generasi Z di Universiti Malaysia Kelantan dalam Pembelajaran Teradun Bahasa Arab dalam Era IR4. 0: Readiness of Generation Z Students at University Malaysia …
AZ Amiruddin, ZA Halim, N Zainuddin
‘Abqari Journal 22 (1), 86-95, 2020
Persepsi Pelajar Bukan Muslim terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab.
MS Nasir, N Zainuddin, MS Sahrir
Islāmiyyāt: International Journal of Islamic Studies 39 (1), 2017
Steps and procedures of teaching writing skill via Wiki among learners of Arabic as second language as a model
N Zainuddin, M Ghalib, M Feham, MS Sahrir
Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies 9, 325-341, 2011
Arabic for specific purpose and systematic literature review on the design of Islamic tourism mobile application
MN Jaffar, A Ab Rahman, MN Musling, N Zainuddin, SR Ramlan, ...
Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning 5 (1), 2022
Integration of Naqli (Revealed) Knowledge and Aqli (Rational) Knowledge in Postgraduate Courses for Open and Distance Learning
N Zainuddin, RM Idrus, AFM Jamal
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 6 (12), 939-942, 2016
Tahlil al-Ihtiyajat fi Tatwir al-Wasa'it al-Mutacaddidah Fi Taclim Mufradat al-Lughah al-cArabiyyah wa Tacallumiha cAbra Barnamij Moodle
N Zainuddin, MS Sahrir
International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature (ICALL), 15-17, 2013
Teoritis Reka Bentuk dan Pembangunan Kursus Bahasa Arab Dalam Talian
AZ bin Amiruddin, ZA Halim, N Zainuddin
International Online Journal of Language, Communication, and Humanities 4 (1 …, 2021
Development of Arabic Language Lifelong Learning (A3L) Tutorial Platform Using WhatsApp Mobile Application
N Zainuddin, NSM Saad, H Harun, H Hashim
Creative Education 11 (04), 452, 2020
Ileinitiative: Interactive online platform in teaching and learning Arabic for gifted students
AIS Islaieh, MRM Jailani, N Zainuddin, W Kamaruddin, Z Zakaria
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (6), 1317-1328, 2020
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Articles 1–20