Angelos Chliaoutakis
Angelos Chliaoutakis
PostDoctoral Researcher, Research Associate at GeoSat ReSearch Lab of IMS-FORTH
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Information retrieval by semantic similarity
A Hliaoutakis, G Varelas, E Voutsakis, EGM Petrakis, E Milios
International journal on semantic Web and information systems (IJSWIS) 2 (3 …, 2006
X-similarity: Computing semantic similarity between concepts from different ontologies.
EGM Petrakis, G Varelas, A Hliaoutakis, P Raftopoulou
Journal of Digital Information Management 4 (4), 2006
Semantic similarity measures in MeSH ontology and their application to information retrieval on Medline
A Hliaoutakis
Master's thesis, 2005
Integrated assessment of natural hazards, including climate change’s influences, for cultural heritage sites: The case of the historic centre of Rethymno in Greece
M Ravankhah, R de Wit, AV Argyriou, A Chliaoutakis, MJ Revez, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 10, 343-361, 2019
The AMTEx approach in the medical document indexing and retrieval application
A Hliaoutakis, K Zervanou, EGM Petrakis
Data & Knowledge Engineering 68 (3), 380-392, 2009
Design and evaluation of semantic similarity measures for concepts stemming from the same or different ontologies
EGM Petrakis, G Varelas, A Hliaoutakis, P Raftopoulou
4th Workshop on Multimedia Semantics (WMS’06), 44-52, 2006
Agent-based modeling of ancient societies and their organization structure
A Chliaoutakis, G Chalkiadakis
Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 30, 1072-1116, 2016
MedSearch: A Retrieval System for Medical Information Based on Semantic Similarity
A Hliaoutakis, G Varelas, EGM Petrakis, E Milios
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 10th European …, 2006
Automatic document indexing in large medical collections
A Hliaoutakis, K Zervanou, EGM Petrakis, EE Milios
Proceedings of the international workshop on Healthcare information and …, 2006
A web-based GIS platform supporting innovative irrigation management techniques at farm-scale for the Mediterranean island of Crete
NN Kourgialas, A Hliaoutakis, AV Argyriou, G Morianou, AE Voulgarakis, ...
Science of The Total Environment 842, 156918, 2022
An agent-based model for simulating inter-settlement trade in past societies
A Chliaoutakis, G Chalkiadakis
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 23 (3), 2020
Utilizing agent-based modeling to gain new insights into the ancient Minoan civilization
A Chliaoutakis, G Chalkiadakis
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on autonomous agents and …, 2014
A Multi-Hazard Platform for Cultural Heritage at Risk: The STORM Risk Assessment and Management Tool
M Ravankhah, A Chliaoutakis, MJ Revez, R de Wit, AV Argyriou, A Anwar, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 949 (1), 012111, 2020
Towards personalized medical document classification by leveraging UMLS semantic network
K Lakiotaki, A Hliaoutakis, S Koutsos, EGM Petrakis
Health Information Science: Second International Conference, HIS 2013 …, 2013
Medical document indexing and retrieval: AMTEx vs. NLM MMTx
A Hliaoutakis, K Zervanou, EGM Petrakis
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium for Health Information …, 2007
Risk assessment and risk management for the protection of cultural heritage
M Ravankhah, R de Wit, MJ Revez, A Chliaoutakis, AV Argyriou, IV Pinto, ...
Cultural heritage resilience against climate change and natural hazards …, 2019
Evolutionary game-theoretic modeling of past societies' social organization
A Chliaoutakis, G Chalkiadakis
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 98-105, 2017
Commercially available sensor-based monitoring and support systems in Parkinson's disease: an overview
DD Piromalis, C Kokkotis, T Tsatalas, G Bellis, D Tsaopoulos, P Zikos, ...
2021 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global …, 2021
Employing agent-based modeling to study the impact of the Theran eruption on Minoan society
A Chliaoutakis, G Chalkiadakis, A Sarris
Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative …, 2018
A GIS Based Application for the Management of Monuments and Antiquities of Cyprus
A Kydonakis, A Chliaoutakis, A Sarris
32nd EARSeL Annual Symposium “Advances in Geosciences”, Mykonos, Greece, 2012
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Articles 1–20