Robert F. Stallard
Robert F. Stallard
Research Scientist, INSTAAR, U. Colorado, Boulder; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama
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Geochemistry of the Amazon: 2. The influence of geology and weathering environment on the dissolved load
RF Stallard, JM Edmond
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 88 (C14), 9671-9688, 1983
Soil nutrients influence spatial distributions of tropical tree species
R John, JW Dalling, KE Harms, JB Yavitt, RF Stallard, M Mirabello, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (3), 864-869, 2007
Consistent land-and atmosphere-based US carbon sink estimates
SW Pacala, GC Hurtt, D Baker, P Peylin, RA Houghton, RA Birdsey, ...
Science 292 (5525), 2316-2320, 2001
Terrestrial sedimentation and the carbon cycle: Coupling weathering and erosion to carbon burial
RF Stallard
Global biogeochemical cycles 12 (2), 231-257, 1998
Formation of the Isthmus of Panama
A O’Dea, HA Lessios, AG Coates, RI Eytan, SA Restrepo-Moreno, ...
Science advances 2 (8), e1600883, 2016
Denudation rates determined from the accumulation of in situ-produced 10Be in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
ET Brown, RF Stallard, MC Larsen, GM Raisbeck, F Yiou
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 129 (1-4), 193-202, 1995
On the chemical mass-balance in estuaries
E Boyle, R Collier, AT Dengler, JM Edmond, AC Ng, RF Stallard
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 38 (11), 1719-1728, 1974
Geochemistry of the Amazon: 1. Precipitation chemistry and the marine contribution to the dissolved load at the time of peak discharge
RF Stallard, JM Edmond
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 86 (C10), 9844-9858, 1981
Major ion chemistry of some large Chinese rivers
H Ming-Hui, RF Stallard, JM Edmond
Nature 298 (5874), 550-553, 1982
Geochemistry of the Amazon: 3. Weathering chemistry and limits to dissolved inputs
RF Stallard, JM Edmond
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 92 (C8), 8293-8302, 1987
The fluvial geochemistry and denudation rate of the Guayana Shield in Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil
JM Edmond, MR Palmer, CI Measures, B Grant, RF Stallard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta 59 (16), 3301-3325, 1995
Methane emission by bubbling from Gatun Lake, Panama
M Keller, RF Stallard
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 99 (D4), 8307-8319, 1994
Dynamics of soil carbon during deglaciation of the Laurentide ice sheet
JW Harden, RK Mark, ET Sundquist, RF Stallard
Science 258 (5090), 1921-1924, 1992
First-cycle quartz arenites in the Orinoco River basin, Venezuela and Colombia
MJ Johnsson, RF Stallard, RH Meade
The Journal of Geology 96 (3), 263-277, 1988
Consumption of atmospheric methane in soils of central Panama: effects of agricultural development
M Keller, ME Mitre, RF Stallard
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 4 (1), 21-27, 1990
Dissolution at dislocation etch pits in quartz
SL Brantley, SR Crane, DA Crerar, R Hellmann, R Stallard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 50 (10), 2349-2361, 1986
Effect of land cover and use on dry season river runoff, runoff efficiency, and peak storm runoff in the seasonal tropics of Central Panama
FL Ogden, TD Crouch, RF Stallard, JS Hall
Water Resources Research 49 (12), 8443-8462, 2013
Controls on the composition of fluvial sands from a tropical weathering environment: Sands of the Orinoco River drainage basin, Venezuela and Colombia
MJ Johnsson, RF Stallard, N Lundberg
Geological Society of America Bulletin 103 (12), 1622-1647, 1991
The chemical mass balance in the Amazon plume I: the nutrients
JM Edmond, EA Boyle, B Grant, RF Stallard
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 28 (11), 1339-1374, 1981
Tectonic processes and erosion
RF Stallard
International Geophysics 72, 195-229, 2000
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Articles 1–20