Victor Haruo Matsubara
Victor Haruo Matsubara
Associate Professor, University of Western Australia
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Cited by
Normal oral flora and the oral ecosystem
L Samaranayake, VH Matsubara
Dental Clinics of North America 61 (2), 199-215, 2017
Probiotic lactobacilli inhibit early stages of Candida albicans biofilm development by reducing their growth, cell adhesion, and filamentation
VH Matsubara, Y Wang, H Bandara, MPA Mayer, LP Samaranayake
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 100 (14), 6415-26, 2016
Probiotics as antifungals in mucosal candidiasis
VH Matsubara, H Bandara, MPA Mayer, LP Samaranayake
Clinical Infectious Diseases 62 (9), 1143–1153, 2016
The role of probiotic bacteria in managing periodontal disease: a systematic review
VH Matsubara, H Bandara, KH Ishikawa, MPA Mayer, LP Samaranayake
Expert review of anti-infective therapy 14 (7), 643-55, 2016
A Multispecies Probiotic Reduces Oral Candida Colonization in Denture Wearers
KH Ishikawa, MPA Mayer, TY Miyazima, VH Matsubara, EG Silva, ...
Journal of Prosthodontics 24 (3), 194-199, 2015
Cleaning Potential of Different Air Abrasive Powders and Their Impact on Implant Surface Roughness
VH Matsubara, BW Leong, MJL Leong, Z Lawrence, T Becker, A Quaranta
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 22, 96–104, 2020
Treatment with probiotics in experimental oral colonization by Candida albicans in murine model (DBA/2)
VH Matsubara, EG Silva, CR Paula, KH Ishikawa, AEM Nakamae
Oral diseases 18 (3), 260-264, 2012
Probiotic Bacteria Alter Pattern- Recognition Receptor Expression and Cytokine Profile in a Human Macrophage Model Challenged with Candida albicans and Lipopolysaccharide
VH Matsubara, KH Ishikawa, ES Ando-Suguimoto, B Bueno-Silva, ...
Frontiers in Microbiolgy 8, 2280, 2017
Future therapies targeted towards eliminating Candida biofilms and associated infections
HMHN Bandara, VH Matsubara, LP ·Samaranayake
Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy 15 (3), 299–318, 2017
Use of silver nanoparticles reduces internal contamination of external hexagon implants by Candida albicans
VH Matsubara, F Igai, R Tamaki, P Tortamano, AEM Nakamae, M Mori
Brazilian Dental Journal 26 (5), 458-462, 2015
Comparison of heat production and bone architecture changes in the implant site preparation with compressive osteotomes, osseodensification technique, piezoelectric devices …
N Bhargava, V Perrotti, VCA Caponio, VH Matsubara, D Patalwala, ...
Odontology 111, 142-153, 2023
Short dental implants (≤ 7mm) versus longer implants in augmented bone area: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
PN Uehara, VH Matsubara, F Igai, N Sesma, MK Mukai, MG Araujo
The open dentistry journal 12, 354, 2018
A Novel Antimicrobial Hydrogel for the Management of Periodontal Diseases
PY Wong, S Soo, ESC Wong, P Praveen, MV Clode, Peta, Baker, ...
International Dental Journal 73 (3), 354-361, 2023
Probiotic Bifidobacteria in Managing Periodontal Disease: A Systematic Review
VH Matsubara, KS Fakhruddin, H Ngo, LP Samaranayake
International Dental Journal 73 (1), 11-20, 2023
Implant rehabilitation of edentulous maxilla in digital dentistry: A case report utilizing CAD/CAM technologies
VH Matsubara, AP Gurbuxani, S Francis, RJ Childs
Journal of Dental Research Dental Clinics Dental Prospects 15 (2), 115-121, 2021
Recrudescence of Scarlet Fever and Its Implications for Dental Professionals
VH Matsubara, J Christoforou, L Samaranayake
International Dental Journal 73 (3), 331-336, 2023
Do dental implant therapies arouse signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders? A scoping review
MT Brazão-Silva, D Magno Guimarães, V Cabral Andrade, ...
CRANIO® The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice, 2021
Mucormycosis of the Mandible and Tongue: A Systematic Scoping Review
KS Fakhruddin, VH Matsubara, S Warnakulasuriya, WM Tilakaratne, ...
International Dental Journal 74 (3), 454-472, 2024
Avaliação da influência do ácido acético na eficiência da higienização de próteses totais
D de Melo Lopes, CM Iegami, VH Matsubara, RJ Furuyama, C Gil, ...
Revista de Odontologia da Universidade Cidade de São Paulo 21 (2), 150-154, 2017
Efeito de bactérias probióticas sobre Candida albicans: ensaios em cultura de macrófagos e de biofilme
VH Matsubara
Universidade de São Paulo, 2016
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Articles 1–20