balamurugan tc
balamurugan tc
Veterinary College and Research Institute, Orathanadu,TANUVAS
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Effects of Tinospora cordifolia supplementation on semen quality and hormonal profile in rams
P Jayaganthan, P Perumal, TC Balamurugan, RP Verma, LP Singh, ...
Animal Reproduction Science 140 (1-2), 47-53, 2013
Effect of addition of bovine serum albumin on the liquid storage (5 C) of mithun (Bos frontalis) semen
P Perumal, AK Nahak, K Vupru, K Khate, TC Balamurugan, ...
Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 15 (1), 4795, 2015
Effect of gender on certain serum biochemical parameters of Desi goats in cauvery delta region
TC Balamurugan, R Durgalakshmi, A Sheeba
J Anim Nutr and Physiol 1, 34-36, 2015
Effect of Tinospora cordifolia supplementation on sexual behaviour and semen production in Muzzafarnagari rams.
P Jayaganthan, P Perumal, TC Balamurugan, RP Verma
Indian Journal of Animal Research 49 (1), 2015
Effect of boron on urinary and faecal excretion of minerals in buffalo calves fed high fluoride ration
VK Bharti, M Gupta, D Lall, TC Balamurugan, S Imam
Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 7 (1), 125-130, 2007
Comparative electrophoretic studies on serum proteins of Murrah buffaloes at various stages of reproduction
TC Balamurugan, KP Prakash, P Visha, P Perumal, N Pradheep
J Entomol Zool Stud 8 (1), 1022-1024, 2020
Alterations in serum matrix metalloproteinases during different reproductive stages of Murrah buffaloes
RP Krupakaran, TC Balamurugan, GDV Pandiyan, S Arunkumar, ...
The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 85 (5), 458-461, 2015
Comparative study on serum matrix metalloproteinases in various species of domestic animals
RP Krupakaran, TC Balamurugan, RD Lakshmi, A Sheeba, P Perumal
The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 86 (5), 545-549, 2016
A comparative study of serum gelatinase in normal and tumour affected dogs through gelatin zymography
RP Krupakaran, TC Balamurugan, A Shoba, RD Lakshmi, P Perumal
Comparative studies on serum biochemical profiling at various stages of reproduction in Murrah buffaloes
TC Balamurugan, RP Krupakaran, S Arunkumar, GDV Pandiyan, ...
Electrophoretic analysis of excretory/secretor antigens of Gastrothylax crumenifer from buffalo
S Arunkumar, R Krupakaran, TC Balamurugan, GDV Pandiyan
Cibtech Journal of Bio-Protocols 3, 24-26, 2014
Application of Probiotics, Prebiotics and Synbiotics in Livestock
TC Balamurugan, P Jayaganthan, P Perumal, S Namagirilakshmi, ...
Probiotics in Sustainable Food Production: Current Status and Future …, 2013
Detection of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and-9 in various types of canine tumours
R Prakash Krupakaran, TC Balamurugan, A Sheeba, R Durga Lakshmi, ...
Molecular characterization of MMP-9 gene in Murrah buffaloes by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
GDV Pandiyan, R Prakash Krupakaran, TC Balamurugan, S Arunkumar, ...
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 85 (6), 613-16, 2015
Comparative studies of gelatinase activity in cattle and buffalo bull seminal plasma through gelatin zymography
TC Balamurugan, R Prakash Krupakaran, S Arunkumar, GDV Pandiyan, ...
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 85 (5), 454-57, 2015
Effect of Moringa oleifera on semen quality profiles in endangered Teressa goat under tropical humid island ecosystem
P Perumal, J Sunder, AK De, AK Nahak, DK Chaurasia, TC Balamurugan, ...
Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 13 (2), 89-96, 2024
Comparative study on physico-morphological characteristics of semen from Murrah buffaloes and Jersey crossbred cattle
TC Balamurugan, RP Krupakaran, GDV Pandiyan, S Arunkumar, ...
Buffalo Bulletin 36 (2), 415-426, 2017
A comparative gelatin zymography of Matrix Metalloproteinases in serum of native sheep breeds of Tamil Nadu
TC Balamurugan, R Prakash Krupakaran, C Kibson, S Rajendiran, ...
Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 17 (3), 6239-6242, 2017
Detection of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and-9 in various types of canine tumours
RP Krupakaran, TC Balamurugan, A Sheeba, RD Lakshmi, P Perumal
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 86 (9), 985-987, 2016
Detection of Matrix Metallo Proteinase-2 in Layer Chicken
RP Krupakaran, TC Balamurugan, D Lakshmi, A Sheeba, P Perumal
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Articles 1–20