Cesare M. Rizzo
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Cited by
Review of the fatigue strength of welded joints based on the notch stress intensity factor and SED approaches
C Fischer, W Fricke, CM Rizzo
International Journal of Fatigue 84, 59-66, 2016
Committee III. 1 ultimate strength
JK Paik, H Amlashi, B Boon, K Branner, P Caridis, P Das, M Fujikubo, ...
18th International ship and offshore structures congress, 285-363, 2012
Stability requirements for floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) during assembly and temporary phases: Overview and application
M Collu, A Maggi, P Gualeni, CM Rizzo, F Brennan
Ocean engineering 84, 164-175, 2014
Round robin study on structural hot-spot and effective notch stress analysis
W Fricke, A Bollero, I Chirica, Y Garbatov, F Jancart, A Kahl, H Remes, ...
Ships and Offshore Structures 3 (4), 335-345, 2008
Recent industrial developments of marine composites limit states and design approaches on strength
B Barsotti, M Gaiotti, CM Rizzo
Journal of Marine Science and Application 19, 553-566, 2020
EFD and CFD design and analysis of a propeller in decelerating duct
S Gaggero, CM Rizzo, G Tani, M Viviani
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 2012 (1), 823831, 2012
Trends of human brucellosis in Italy, 1998–2010
FR Mancini, A Bella, C Graziani, C Marianelli, L Mughini-Gras, P Pasquali, ...
Epidemiology & Infection 142 (6), 1188-1195, 2014
Experiences and recommendations for numerical analyses of notch stress intensity factor and averaged strain energy density
C Fischer, W Fricke, CM Rizzo
Engineering fracture mechanics 165, 98-113, 2016
Recent developments in remote inspections of ship structures
L Poggi, T Gaggero, M Gaiotti, E Ravina, CM Rizzo
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 12, 881-891, 2020
Current practices and recent advances in condition assessment of aged ships
CM Rizzo, JK Paik, F Brennan, CA Carlsen, C Daley, Y Garbatov, ...
Ships and Offshore Structures 2 (3), 261-271, 2007
Finite element modeling strategies for sandwich composite laminates under compressive loading
M Gaiotti, CM Rizzo
Ocean engineering 63, 44-51, 2013
Condition Assessment of Aging Ships and Offshore Structures
G Wang, B Boon, FP Brennan, Y Garbatov, C Ji, J Parunov, TA Rahman, ...
Condition assessment of aged ships
JK Paik, F Brennan, C Carlsen, C Daley, Y Garbatov, L Ivanov, C Rizzo, ...
16th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress, ISSC 2, 265-315, 2006
Fatigue tests of notched specimens made from butt joints at steel
C Fischer, W Fricke, CM Rizzo
Fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures 39 (12), 1526-1541, 2016
Interlaminar shear strength of marine composite laminates: Tests and numerical simulations
M Godani, M Gaiotti, CM Rizzo
Composite Structures 112, 122-133, 2014
An high order mixed interpolation tensorial components (MITC) shell element approach for modeling the buckling behavior of delaminated composites
M Gaiotti, CM Rizzo, K Branner, P Berring
Composite Structures 108, 657-666, 2014
Scantling of mast and rigging of sail boats: a few hints from a test case to develop improved design procedures
CM Rizzo, D Boote
11th PRADS Symposium, Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating …, 2010
A FEM-Matlab code for Fluid-Structure interaction coupling with application to sail aerodynamics of yachts
D Trimarchi, CM Rizzo
İTÜ Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2009
Shock effects of underwater explosion on naval ship foundations: Validation of numerical models by dedicated tests
F Mannacio, A Barbato, F Di Marzo, M Gaiotti, CM Rizzo, M Venturini
Ocean Engineering 253, 111290, 2022
Development and validation of a numerical model for the simulation of high-velocity impacts on advanced composite armor systems
G Sabadin, M Gaiotti, CM Rizzo, A Bassano
Nonlinear Dynamics 91, 1791-1816, 2018
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Articles 1–20