Richard R Lane
Richard R Lane
Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins, Chile
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Cited by
Sloan digital sky survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, nearby galaxies, and the distant universe
MR Blanton, MA Bershady, B Abolfathi, FD Albareti, CA Prieto, A Almeida, ...
The Astronomical Journal 154 (1), 28, 2017
The 16th data release of the sloan digital sky surveys: first release from the APOGEE-2 southern survey and full release of eBOSS spectra
R Ahumada, CA Prieto, A Almeida, F Anders, SF Anderson, BH Andrews, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 249 (1), 3, 2020
The fourteenth data release of the Sloan digital sky survey: First spectroscopic data from the extended baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey and from the second phase of the …
B Abolfathi, DS Aguado, G Aguilar, CA Prieto, A Almeida, TT Ananna, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 235 (2), 42, 2018
The 13th data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First spectroscopic data from the SDSS-IV survey mapping nearby galaxies at Apache Point Observatory
FD Albareti, CA Prieto, A Almeida, F Anders, S Anderson, BH Andrews, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 233 (2), 25, 2017
The seventeenth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete release of MaNGA, MaStar, and APOGEE-2 data
N Abdurro’uf, K Accetta, C Aerts, V Silva Aguirre, R Ahumada, ...
The Astrophysical Journal. Supplement Series 259 (2), 2022
The fifteenth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: first release of MaNGA-derived quantities, data visualization tools, and stellar library
DS Aguado, R Ahumada, A Almeida, SF Anderson, BH Andrews, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 240 (2), 23, 2019
Search for massive resonances in dijet systems containing jets tagged as W or Z boson decays in pp collisions at = 8 TeV
V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, T Bergauer, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (8), 1-37, 2014
ARGOS–III. Stellar populations in the Galactic bulge of the Milky Way
M Ness, K Freeman, E Athanassoula, E Wylie-de-Boer, J Bland-Hawthorn, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 430 (2), 836-857, 2013
SDSS-IV MaNGA: Spatially resolved star formation histories in galaxies as a function of galaxy mass and type
D Goddard, D Thomas, C Maraston, K Westfall, J Etherington, R Riffel, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 466 (4), 4731-4758, 2017
The seventeenth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete release of MaNGA, MaStar, and APOGEE-2 data
K Accetta, C Aerts, VS Aguirre, R Ahumada, N Ajgaonkar, NF Ak, S Alam, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 259 (2), 35, 2022
ARGOS–IV. The kinematics of the Milky Way bulge
M Ness, K Freeman, E Athanassoula, E Wylie-de-Boer, J Bland-Hawthorn, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 432 (3), 2092-2103, 2013
From the bulge to the outer disc: StarHorse stellar parameters, distances, and extinctions for stars in APOGEE DR16 and other spectroscopic surveys
ABA Queiroz, F Anders, C Chiappini, A Khalatyan, BX Santiago, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 638, A76, 2020
Disentangling the Galactic halo with APOGEE. I. Chemical and kinematical investigation of distinct metal-poor populations
CR Hayes, SR Majewski, M Shetrone, E Fernández-Alvar, CA Prieto, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 852 (1), 49, 2018
The origin of the split red clump in the galactic bulge of the milky way
M Ness, K Freeman, E Athanassoula, E Wylie-De-Boer, J Bland-Hawthorn, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 756 (1), 22, 2012
ARGOS–II. The Galactic bulge survey
K Freeman, M Ness, E Wylie-de-Boer, E Athanassoula, J Bland-Hawthorn, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 428 (4), 3660-3670, 2013
SDSS-V pioneering panoptic spectroscopy
J Kollmeier, SF Anderson, GA Blanc, MR Blanton, KR Covey, J Crane, ...
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 2019
More on the structure of tidal tails
AHW Küpper, RR Lane, DC Heggie
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 420 (3), 2700-2714, 2012
Chemical cartography with APOGEE: multi-element abundance ratios
DH Weinberg, JA Holtzman, S Hasselquist, JC Bird, JA Johnson, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 874 (1), 102, 2019
Homogeneous analysis of globular clusters from the APOGEE survey with the BACCHUS code–II. The Southern clusters and overview
S Mészáros, T Masseron, DA García-Hernández, C Allende Prieto, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492 (2), 1641-1670, 2020
The open cluster chemical abundances and mapping survey. IV. Abundances for 128 open clusters using SDSS/APOGEE DR16
J Donor, PM Frinchaboy, K Cunha, JE O’Connell, CA Prieto, A Almeida, ...
The Astronomical Journal 159 (5), 199, 2020
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Articles 1–20