Johanna Monti
Cited by
Cited by
Multiword expression processing: A survey
M Constant, G Eryiğit, J Monti, L Van Der Plas, C Ramisch, M Rosner, ...
Computational Linguistics 43 (4), 837-892, 2017
Edition 1.1 of the PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions
C Ramisch, S Cordeiro, A Savary, V Vincze, VB Mititelu, A Bhatia, ...
Proceedings of the joint workshop on linguistic annotation, multiword …, 2018
A Case Study of Natural Gender Phenomena in Translation-A Comparison of Google Translate, Bing Microsoft Translator and DeepL for English to Italian, French and Spanish
AA Rescigno, E Vanmassenhove, J Monti, A Way
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 359-364, 2020
Multiword units in machine translation and translation technology
R Mitkov, V Seretan, G Corpas Pastor, J Monti
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2018
PARSEME multilingual corpus of verbal multiword expressions
A Savary, M Candito, VB Mititelu, E Bejček, F Cap, S Čéplö, SR Cordeiro, ...
Multiword expressions at length and in depth: Extended papers from the MWE …, 2018
Edition 1.2 of the PARSEME shared task on semi-supervised identification of verbal multiword expressions
C Ramisch, A Savary, B Guillaume, J Waszczuk, M Candito, V Ashwini, ...
The Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Electronic Lexicons, 13 …, 2020
When Multiwords Go Bad in Machine Translation
A Barreiro, J Monti, B Orliac, F Batista
MT Summit workshop Proceedings on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation …, 2013
Pinocchio in emojitaliano
F Chiusaroli, J Monti, F Sangati
Apice libri, 2017
Parseme survey on MWE resources
GS Losnegaard, F Sangati, CP Escartín, A Savary, S Bargmann, J Monti
9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016 …, 2016
Gender issues in machine translation: An unsolved problem?
J Monti
The Routledge handbook of translation, feminism and gender, 457-468, 2020
Taking on new challenges in multi-word unit processing for machine translation
J Monti, A Barreiro, A Elia, F Marano, A Napoli
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Free/Open-Source Rule …, 2011
Linguistic evaluation of support verb constructions by OpenLogos and Google Translate
A Barreiro, J Monti, B Orliac, S Preuß, K Arrieta, W Ling, F Batista, ...
Linguistic evaluation of support verb constructions by OpenLogos and google …, 2014
Natural language processing and big data-an ontology-based approach for cross-lingual information retrieval
J Monti, M Monteleone, MP Di Buono, F Marano
2013 International Conference on Social Computing, 725-731, 2013
Gamified crowdsourcing for idiom corpora construction
GŞ Eryiğit, A Şentaş, J Monti
Natural Language Engineering 29 (4), 909-941, 2023
Questioni di genere in traduzione automatica
J Monti
QUADERNI DELLA RASSEGNA 139, 411-431, 2017
gENder-IT: An annotated English-Italian parallel challenge set for cross-linguistic natural gender phenomena
E Vanmassenhove, J Monti
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.02854, 2021
Analyses of character emotions in dramatic works by using EmoLex unigrams
MC Yavuz
Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2020, 471, 2020
Dalla zairja alla traduzione automatica: riflessioni sulla traduzione nell'era digitale
J Monti
Loffredo, 2019
Multi-word unit processing in Machine Translation - Developing and using language resources for Multi-word unit processing in Machine Translation
J Monti
University of Salerno, 2013
TED-MWE: a bilingual parallel corpus with MWE annotation
J Monti, F Sangati, M Arcan
Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2015
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Articles 1–20